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36, male


Posts: 63

10 Ways to make good friendship

from kingjohn on 10/08/2013 12:31 AM


Friendship is one of the most essential elements for creating a positive life. While one certainly could be positive without friends, it's much easier to stay optimistic with great people by your side. Being a friend isn't always easy—there are ups and downs, just like in any relationship—and it actually takes a lot of hard work to create a lasting and meaningful relationship. To have great friends, you must be a great friend; these are some of the vital aspects needed to cultivate that greatness: 



Tough times are a part of life. We all go through them, and we all benefit greatly from those who stick by our sides when the going gets rough. No matter how tough things get, great friends stick. When the tough times are going on within the relationship, it can be a very difficult thing to do, but that's what makes a great and lasting friendship. Even when it's tempting to throw in the towel, a great friend will stick by your side and do his/her best to work through tough times. 



Encouragement is one of the best things about having a great friend. No matter how down or stressed you feel, a great friend will remind you that you're awesome, that you're on the right path (as long as you are...), and that you can do it. Great friends don't stop encouraging you, even when you've completed a goal. And they don't let you forget how amazing you were at getting to where you are now. There are times when that encouragement might seem to fall on deaf ears, but a great friend knows that, even if it goes unappreciated, encouragement is essential to creating a worthwhile friendship. 



This part of being a great friend can be tough. People don't always want to hear the honest truth. But that's what a great friend does. S/he tells it like it is—even when it might be hard to speak the truth. A great friend will especially be honest about the important things, like whether or not you are being treated fairly or whether or not you should keep doing something that's dragging you down. Even if the words are hard to say, a great friend will always, always tell the truth. 



Friendship is a two-way street. If you're only giving or only taking, you're not being a great friend. To be a great friend, you must learn to give (your time, your truth, your love), but you must also learn to accept what's given in return. For some, it can be hard to accept aspects of friendship, but taking is part of the deal. Accept time, love, compliments, the truth—and do so willingly. Likewise, a great friend isn't ever hesitant to give. To be a great friend, you must both give and receive. 



While some of the best relationships are built on mutual interests, to be a great friend must be able to respect the line where the similarities end and recognize that differences don't have to stand in the way of a good relationship. In fact, some of the best relationships can come develop with those who are quite different. The key is respect. You don't have to like the differences, but to be a great friend, you must respect them. 



"A friendship can weather most things and thrive in thin soil; but it needs a little mulch of letters and phone calls and small, silly presents every so often—just to save it from drying out completely," said Pam Brown, and I couldn't agree more. If you want to be a great friend, you have to make an effort. And sometimes it's the little things that matter most—the letters, the phone calls, the quick catch-up lunches. To keep a friendship afloat, a great friend will put in the time to stay connected. 



As with any relationship, taking it for granted can be the kiss of death. No matter how long you've been friends or how solid your relationship is, know that a great friend will never, ever take that relationship for granted. Friendships, especially good ones, are not a given and they should be treated as the amazing things that they are. A great friend will make a point to treasure the relationship and will make it clear how much s/he values it. 



When you know someone well, it might be tempting to judge his or her actions (or in-actions!), but a great friend refrains from judging, knowing that judgments will only put strain on the relationship. A great friend is willing to speak the truth, but he or she holds back from adding personal judgment to those words of wisdom. A great friend also avoids comparisons, knowing that comparing is an excellent way to damage a good relationship. 



Though a great friend will be honest and truthful, s/he will also search for the good and focus on the positive elements of a friend's life. No matter how negative a friend gets, a great friend will try to redirect the focus back to the positive. A great friend will remember all the goodness and positivity in another's life and will focus on that. And even when times are tough in the relationship, a great friend will strive to see the good in the friendship. 



To be a great friend, you must also be your own friend. The foundation of any relationship is the relationship you have with yourself—and any great friend knows that. A great friend will cultivate a good relationship within and, in doing so, will become a better friend to others. Loving and appreciating yourself sets the tone for how you will love and appreciate others and a great friend realizes that and will put a great deal of effort into creating both internal and external relationships. 


There are many ways to be a great friend, but all of those rely on one's ability to be aware of the relationship and to value friendship. Some friendships are easier than others, but all take work. If the effort isn't made, the relationship won't last. A great friend knows this and puts in the time and energy needed to create and sustain a good relationship. As with most worthwhile things, there's no shortcut to creating a long-lasting, tried-and-true friendship, but the effort put in is worth it when you reap the rewards of having a great friend by your side. 

When you dreams dream big as big as the occean



36, male


Posts: 63

Civilization: Eight things Africans( moors) took to Europe

from kingjohn on 10/08/2013 12:02 AM

Moors in Spain

When the topic of the Moorish influence in Europe is being discussed, one of the first questions that arises is, what race were they?

As early as the Middle Ages, “Moors were commonly viewed as being mostly black or very swarthy, and hence the word is often used for negro,” according to the Oxford English Dictionary.

Author and historian Chancellor Williams said “the original Moors, like the original Egyptians, were black Africans.”

The 16th century English playwright William Shakespeare used the word Moor as a synonym for African. His contemporary Christopher Marlowe also used African and Moor interchangeably.

Arab writers further buttress the black identity of the Moors.  The powerful Moorish Emperor Yusuf ben-Tachfin is described by an Arab chronicler as “a brown man with wooly hair.”

Black soldiers, specifically identified as Moors, were actively recruited by Rome, and served in Britain, France, Switzerland, Austria, Hungary, Poland, and Romania.  St. Maurice, patron saint of medieval Europe, was only one of many black soldiers and officers under the employ of the Roman Empire.

Although generations of Spanish rulers have tried to expunge this era from the historical record, recent archeology and scholarship now shed fresh light on the Moors who flourished in Al-Andalus for more than 700 years – from 711 AD until 1492.  The Moorish advances in mathematics, astronomy, art, and agriculture helped propel Europe out of the Dark Ages and into the Renaissance.

Moorish Chess - A depiction of Moorish noblemen playing the board game Book of Games, 1283 AD

Universal Education

The Moors brought enormous learning to Spain that over centuries would percolate through the rest of Europe.

The intellectual achievements of the Moors in Spain had a lasting effect; education was universal in Moorish Spain, while in Christian Europe, 99 percent of the population was illiterate, and even kings could neither read nor write. At a time when Europe had only two universities, the Moors had seventeen, located in Almeria, Cordova, Granada, Juen, Malaga, Seville, and Toledo.

In the 10th and 11th centuries, public libraries in Europe were non-existent, while Moorish Spain could boast of more than 70, including one in Cordova that housed hundreds of thousands of manuscripts. Universities in Paris and Oxford were established after visits by scholars to Moorish Spain.

It was this system of education, taken to Europe by the Moors, that seeded the European Renaissance and brought the continent out of the 1,000 years of intellectual and physical gloom of the Middle Ages.

Moorish Warior -  William Merritt Chase 1878

  Fashion and Hygiene

Abu l-Hasan Ali Ibn Nafi – who was also known as Ziryab (black singing bird in Arabic) and Pájaro Negro (blackbird) in Spanish- was a polymath, with knowledge in astronomy, geography, meteorology, botanics, cosmetics, culinary art and fashion. He is known for starting a vogue by changing clothes according to the weather and season. He also suggested different clothing for mornings, afternoons and evenings.

He created a deodorant to eliminate bad odors, promoted morning and evening baths, and emphasized  maintaining personal hygiene. Ziryab is believed to have invented an early toothpaste, which he popularized throughout Islamic Iberia – primarily in Spain.

He made fashionable shaving among men and set new haircut trends. Royalty used to wash their hair with rosewater, but Ziryab introduced salt and fragrant oils to improve the hair’s condition.

Moorish Warior -  William Merritt Chase 1878Fashion and Hygiene

Abu l-Hasan Ali Ibn Nafi – who was also known as Ziryab (black singing bird in Arabic) and Pájaro Negro (blackbird) in Spanish- was a polymath, with knowledge in astronomy, geography, meteorology, botanics, cosmetics, culinary art and fashion. He is known for starting a vogue by changing clothes according to the weather and season. He also suggested different clothing for mornings, afternoons and evenings.

He created a deodorant to eliminate bad odors, promoted morning and evening baths, and emphasized  maintaining personal hygiene. Ziryab is believed to have invented an early toothpaste, which he popularized throughout Islamic Iberia – primarily in Spain.

He made fashionable shaving among men and set new haircut trends. Royalty used to wash their hair with rosewater, but Ziryab introduced salt and fragrant oils to improve the hair’s condition.

Source: Wikipedia.org/wiki/Ziryab

Mooish cusine


Ziryab was also an arbiter of culinary fashion and taste, and revolutionized the local cuisine by introducing new fruit and vegetables such as asparagus, and by initiating the three-course meal served on leathern tablecloths. He insisted that meals should be served in three separate courses consisting of soup, the main course, and dessert.

He also introduced the use of crystal as a container for drinks, which was more effective than metal. Prior to his time, food was served plainly on platters on bare tables, as was the case with the Romans.

In general, the Moors introduced many new crops including the orange, lemon, peach, apricot, fig, sugar cane, dates, ginger and pomegranate as well as saffron, cotton, silk and rice,  all of which remain prominent in Spain today.

Moorish Bathhouse, Jaen

  Urban Utilities: Street lights, Hospitals and Public Baths

In the 10th Century, Cordoba was not just the capital of Al Andalus (Moorish Spain) but also one of the most important cities in the world, rivaling Baghdad and Constantinople.  It boasted a population of 500,000 (200,000 more than now) and had street lighting, fifty hospitals with running water, three hundred public baths, five hundred mosques and seventy libraries – one of which held over 500,000 books.

The Moorish achievement in hydraulic engineering was outstanding. They constructed an aqueduct, that conveyed water from the mountains to the city through lead pipes.

All of this, at a time when London had a largely illiterate population of around 20,000 and had forgotten the technical advances of the Romans some 600 hundred years before. Paved and lighted streets did not appear in London or Paris for hundreds of years later.

Moorish medicine


The “father of modern surgery,” Abu al-Quasim (Al Zahrawi), was a Moor who was born in Cordoba. During a practice that lasted fifty years, he developed a range of innovative and precise surgical instruments, while writing a text book that was to be a cornerstone of Western medical training for the next 500 years.

Da Vinci's Design for a Flying Machine

   Human Flight

The Moors’ scientific curiosity extended to flight when polymath Ibn Firnas made the first scientific attempt to fly in a controlled manner, in 875 A.D.  His attempt evidently worked, although the landing was less successful.

Da Vinci's Design for a Flying MachineHuman Flight

The Moors’ scientific curiosity extended to flight when polymath Ibn Firnas made the first scientific attempt to fly in a controlled manner, in 875 A.D.  His attempt evidently worked, although the landing was less successful.

African Food

  Advance Agriculture Techniques

Under the Moors, Spain was introduced to new food crops such as rice, hard wheat, cotton, oranges, lemons, sugar and cotton. More importantly, along with these foodstuffs came an intimate knowledge of irrigation and cultivation of crops. The Moors also taught the Europeans how to store grain for up to 100 years and built underground grain silos.


   Paper Making
Paper making was brought to Spain by the Moors, allowing the growth of libraries and, thereby, the accurate preservation and dispersal of knowledge – with Xativa, in Valencia, having the first paper factory in Europe.

Through the Moorish conquest of southern Spain, paper making first reached the Moorish parts of Spain in the 12th century. A paper mill is recorded at Fez in Morocco in 1100, and the first paper mill on the Spanish mainland is recorded at Xàtiva in 1151.


When you dreams dream big as big as the occean



36, male


Posts: 63

Facts about Men

from kingjohn on 10/06/2013 07:23 PM

  If a man wants you, nothing can keep him away. If he doesn't want you, nothing can make him stay. Stop making... excuses for a man and his behavior. Allow your intuition (or spirit) to save you from heartache. Stop trying to change yourself for a relationship that's not meant to be. Slower is better. Never live your life for a man before you find what makes you truly . If a relationship ends because the man was not treating you as you deserve then heck no, you can't "be friends". A friend wouldn't mistreat a friend. Don't settle. If you feel like he is stringing you along, then he probably is. Don't stay because you think "it will get better." You'll be mad at yourself a year later for staying when things are not better. The only person you can control in a relationship is you. Avoid men who have a bunch of children by a bunch of different women. He didn't marry them when he got them pregnant, why would he treat you any differently? Always have your own set of friends separate from his. Maintain boundaries in how a guy treats you. If something bothers you, speak up. Never let a man know everything. He will use it against you later. You cannot change a man's behavior. Change comes from within. Don't EVER make him feel he is more important than you are. Even if he has has more education or in a better job. Do not make him into a quasi-god. He is a man, nothing more nothing less. Never let a man define who you are. Never borrow someone else's man. If he cheated with you, he'll cheat on you. A man will only treat you the way you ALLOW him to treat you. All men are NOT dogs. You should not be the one doing all the bending... Compromise is two way street. You need time to heal between relationships. There is nothing cute about baggage... Deal with your issues before pursuing a new relationship. You should never look for someone to COMPLETE you. A relationship consists of two WHOLE individuals. Look for someone complimentary... not supplementary. Dating is fun... Even if he doesn't turn out to be Mr. Right. Make him miss you sometimes... When a man always know where you are, and you're always readily available to him ~ he takes it for granted. Never move into his mother's house. Never co-sign for a man. Don't fully commit to a man who doesn't give you everything that you need. Keep him in your radar but get to know others. Scared of being alone is what makes a lot of women stay in relationships that are abusive or hurtful: Dr. Phil says... You should know that: You're the best thing that could ever happen to anyone and if a man mistreats you, he'll miss out on a good thing. If he was attracted to you in the 1st place, just know that he's not the only one. They're all watching you, so you have a lot of choices. 

When you dreams dream big as big as the occean



36, male


Posts: 63

Event of January 1st

from kingjohn on 10/05/2013 11:07 PM

On this date in 1923, Polish nationalist painter Eligiusz Niewiadomski was executed for assassinating Poland's first president.


After more than a century under German, Austrian, and (most especially hated) Russian domination, Poland had established itself an independent republic in the first world war's imperial wreckage.

Niewiadomski , whose father had taken part in the 19th century's anti-Russian January Uprising, was a talented painter with a serious nationalist streak.

And that was really the done thing for his time and generation: his painting career from the 1890′s into the early 20th century maps the Young Poland movement of up-and-coming artists experimenting with new forms and celebrating romantic attachment to their prostrate homeland.

"The conscience of Polish literature," Young Poland writer Stefan Zeromski, as depicted by Niewiadomski.

When not promoting patriotic appreciation of the Tatra Mountains, Niewiadomski enjoyed supporting Polish National Democracy, a right-wing movement raging against the Cossack yoke.

Niewiadomski was a true enough believer to serve time in a tsarist prison, but he was far from the leading light of either the artistic or political movements. By the time Poland attained independence (Niewiadomski worked for Polish intelligence during World War I, and even finagled a cameo on the front lines), he was in his fifties and seemingly settling in for a slow moulder into obsolescence in bureaucratic posts and artistic monographs.

(Of course, had he done so, the next decades would have brought him their own surprises.)

Instead, the 1922 election for President of the Polish Republic, which was decided in that country's National Assembly, saw parliamentary horsetrading elevate an engineer on the strength of the left parties' votes — a shock victory over Niewiadomski's preferred right-wing candidate Count Maurycy Klemens Zamoyski, the infant republic's Bush v. Gore.

It came to street disturbances, to assaulting members of parliament, to demonstrations "for" and "against." There were casualties. Lumps of dirty snow were thrown at the carriage of the president-elect as it drove across the town. Newspapers dreamt of "a lump of snow that will change into an avalanche" and about removal of that man-"hindrance," that man-"obstacle." ... The infamous ride through the streets of Warsaw was a ride down death's lane. Someone hit the first president of the republic in the head with a stick, someone else waved brass knuckles in his face

This man met his date and his execution on the first day of the year what an agony for him dying at the glance of the new year.


When you dreams dream big as big as the occean



44, male

Posts: 39

Qualities men seek for in women

from Justice on 10/03/2013 01:38 PM

  Dear Ladies, here are attributes men desire in their partners, although they might not open up to you. So, read it here and be the best for him!

1. Independence and confidence

Men are naturally attracted towards confident women. Remember that there is a keen difference between confidence and arrogance. Confidence attracts while arrogance repels. Men like women who can take care of themselves and can make up their mind without any help. Confident outlook, positive body language, and independent decision making are qualities that would definitely attract men.

2. Flirting back
This is an important tool for the later years of the relationship. Flirting is essential to keep the romance alive. Men love women who will flirt with them. This makes a man feel wanted and makes him feel that his woman is still attracted to him.

3. Occasional show of feminine side
Men prefer women who keep in touch with their feminine side. So, sometimes it is good to go for a bikini wax, or invest in new clothings and accessories!

4. Just as they are
A man loves a woman who can adjust to the situation, and more so to his surroundings. Nagging is a big mood turner for men so try and avoid it. Men hate it when women want to change them or their surroundings, this can be a totally spoiler for the romance. So, accept them for what they are, and they would love you forever.

5. Honesty
Honesty is a good habit to bag, whether to attract a man or not. Men search for honesty in their partner and honest answers turn them on. When a woman is honest with her man it makes him feel the special bond between them. Dishonesty is not good for any relationship, whatsoever, leave alone a romantic one.

6. Love for sports
What kind of man does not enjoy his girl foul-mouthing the opponent’s team with him? This is a quality which drives most men mad and makes them fall in love with their girl.

7. Need for personal space
While a woman will enjoy a lifetime of cuddling, a man will always need his own space. It is just how they were designed. A man needs his ‘me’ time or his ‘buddy’ time to re-energise. So, instead of making him feel suffocated with a constant hovering around, give him some space and spare him the smothering.

8. A smart woman
A woman with brains is highly in-demand in the man’s world. Though men are visual creatures and get attracted to the ocassional ‘damsel-in-distress’; yet it is always a woman with brighter brains that will take the better man home. Sense of humour in a girl is appreciated by her man. So remember, smart is the new sexy.

Now, you know some of the things that men secretly desire in their partner. So, ladies, take a few pointers and gear-up to be the ‘girl of his dreams’.

It pays to be good and It is more blessed to give than to recieve



44, male

Posts: 39

Spiritual Signs of being in Love

from Justice on 10/01/2013 12:51 AM

1. It feels easy.

So often we get into a relationship for the wrong reasons and invariably there are constant questions or considerations that arise. Am I really attracted to them? Do I want to be “off the market” right now? Do I really want to introduce this person to my family and friends? Does he or she make enough money? We think and say things like, “We’re getting older, after all, we have to think of the future.” Is this person more trouble than they are worth? Can I live with this or that aspect of their personalities? When you are in love, there are no contingencies, only mutual respect.

In love, these questions don’t cross our minds, at least not enough to deter us from the person’s company. There is a feeling of unity with him or her, that any obstacles can be overcome and that trust is possible, even for those of us that have trouble trusting others. You seem to simply flow with each other’s energy, and don’t question the other’s devotion to you. In short, you feel joy!

2. You are wildly attracted to the person.

I’m not talking about superficial attraction, being attracted simply on merit of the person’s beauty, I’m talking about a feeling of wanting to connect with the person so fully, that physical contact is electric! The yearning to simply touch the person’s hand, or be in their company provokes a “lust” in you the likes that you have rarely, if ever, felt with another person. It’s an energy that you feel whether the person looks like what they consider to be their worst, or is dressed to the nines!

3. You can communicate effortlessly.

There is a type of communication that happens when you feel that what you say is felt, not just heard, by the other person and that they want nothing more than to know you, understand you and support you in everything you do. You can sense and feel their respect for you and admiration for who you truly are, mind, body and soul and that there is no judgement, no secrecy and a desire to make the other person feel safe and loved.

4. You are not afraid.

When you are in love, you don’t fear unfavorable outcomes. You are positive! You are not wrought with feelings of pessimism or doubt, you don’t struggle to make the pieces come together, you don’t feel that you may be hurt by the other. This does not mean that you do not have a realistic view of life, or do not know that things happen that change the course of our paths, but simply that this feeling does not consume you, or make it difficult to carry on with the relationship without fear.

5. There is no sense of urgency.

Often when we think we have found the one, we are hurriedly preparing to build a life immediately so that the relationship doesn’t “go away” or find another voice. When we are in love we are not overwhelmed with feelings of consummation, or to marry or live together immediately in lieu of all the things that should happen prior to that which will make the foundation of permanency all the more valuable, earned and precious.


We are not in a rush to marry because society dictates that we should, or to possess the person publicly so they won’t veer from us. We do not fear that if we wait, they will find another, or discover they have made a “mistake” with the relationship. When we quietly and methodically prepare for a life with a person that we love, the urgency should be only the constancy of being in the energy of the other as much as possible. It is important to be honest with oneself about the reasons why there is the need to co exist in the same space literally or energetically, as opposed to waiting until certain goals have been met to make the situation more pleasant and strategically simpler.

Energy expands infinitely and the love connection is not dependent on location, or any other-worldly superficiality that society deems indicative of its truth. When we love, we do so without expectation, and take the feeling a moment at a time, trusting that if it is part of our extended path, it will find it’s way. The universe will help to push it along in the very direction it needs to go to find it’s unified voice.

When we love, we want to change the world with that person, to use that energy to be joyful and to exhibit the values of humanity that so often are diminished by strife. A connected love will do just that. Love can find us in the most unique of situations or it can re-invent itself with a person years after the first coupling if the timing was off, but is now ready to bloom. Love can come at any time, with anyone and when we narrow our search to convention, we deny the world a chance to prosper from our love energy. When we kid ourselves about the importance of true and virtuous love, we deny the universe the very things that it strives to increase. Peace and love.

It pays to be good and It is more blessed to give than to recieve



44, male


Posts: 51

Taking a Hike

from admin on 09/29/2013 09:38 PM

A father came home from a long business trip to find his son riding a very fancy new 10 speed bike. "Where did you get the money for the bike? It must have cost $300."

"Easy, Dad," the boy replied. "I earned it hiking."

"Come on," the father said. "Tell me the truth."

"That is the truth," the boy replied. "Every night you were gone, Mr. Reynolds from the grocery store would come over to see Mom. He'd give me a $20 bill and tell me to take a hike!"

The only way evil  people prevail is when the good people do nothing



36, male


Posts: 63

How to detach from bad old friends

from kingjohn on 09/28/2013 11:15 PM

Friendship, like many other things in life, can have an expiration date. There are some friends who stay with you for your whole life  but there are also many friends who come into your life and are part of it only for a certain amount of time.

Through our lives, we grow and change. Ideally, our friends will grow and change with us. As we mature, we develop different attitudes and different needs.

Some things that we considered necessities in the past become things we can do without in the present; some behaviours, political views or religious affiliations that we could accept before become deal  breakers, today.

We realize that some people act in ways which didn’t bother us so much when we were younger, but now these behaviors have become intolerable.

As we grow stronger, healthier and more conscious, we begin to see all of our relationships much more clearly. We identify the friends whose values we once shared but who we see today as just too different from us.

Sometimes we simply grow apart as we make life choices which put us in different social or economic circles. Some people choose a more traditional lifestyle while others opt for a bohemian way of life.

If we’re middle-class and our friend has become wealthy through inheritance,career or marriage, it might complicate our relationship unless both of us are able to handle this potentially tricky situation.

We can also get into conflicts or misunderstandings with an old friend. As we evolve and change, they might still be attached to seeing us a certain way. If they’re unable to accept the new, more improved version of us, the friendship can’t be sustained.

I’ve heard of a few instances where one person got married and their friend began acting funny around them. People get used to a particular dynamic and can be resistant to seeing it change.

If we’ve always been available at the drop of a hat and now have responsibilities and commitments associated with being a spouse, our friend may not be willing to accept this.

If our friend can’t get over the fact that we’re no longer at their beck and call, or if they become jealous of the affection we’re giving our spouse, it may mean the end of the friendship.

Then there are the so-called “frenemies.” These are people who we thought were our friends when we were younger and less aware.

We were invested in being kind and understanding, so we made excuses for their bad behavior and put up with their unreasonableness.

As we grew older and wiser we were able to see that their jealousy, competitiveness, complaining and attempts at exploitation became tiresome.

Their demands for attention, frequent crises and most especially, their betrayals could no longer be explained away. Our growing consciousness made it clear to us that this person had to go.

So, whether it’s because you’ve grown apart because you no longer share the same values or lifestyle, or because you realize that the friendship isn’t giving you what you need ( and maybe never did), it’s time to un-friend this person.

Ending a friendship can be done simply by not responding to phone calls, texts or emails and gently letting the person get the point, or it may require a ‘breakup’ conversation.

When you dreams dream big as big as the occean



36, male


Posts: 63

The first great Queen

from kingjohn on 09/24/2013 09:45 PM


About 1500 years before the birth of Christ, one finds the beginning of Hatshepsut's reign as one of the brightest in Egyptian history, proving that a woman can be a strong and effective ruler. She was according to Egyptologist, James Henry Breasted, "The first great woman in history of whom we are informed."

Her father, Thothmes I, was highly impressed with the efficiency of his daughter, and appointed her manager, and co-ruler of his kingdom. Before the King died, he married Hatshepsut to her half-brother, Thothmes II. His reign lasted only thirteen years. After his death, Hatshepsut was to rule only in the name of Thothmes III, until he was old enough to rule alone. Hatshepsut was not satisfied to rule in the name of Thothmes III.

Hatshepsut dressed herself in the most sacred of the Pharaoh's clothing, mounted the throne, and proclaimed herself Pharaoh of Egypt. She ruled Egypt for twenty-one years. She also moved to strengthen the position of Egypt within Africa by making peace with the peoples of Kush (or Nubia) and sending missions to the nations along the East African coast, as far south as Punt (present day Somalia). One of Hatshepsut's crowning achievements was dispatching a mission to a kingdom in Asia (now India).

Hatshepsut died suddenly and mysteriously. Some historians say that Thothmes III, had her murdered. After her death, Thothmes III, tried unsuccessfully to destroy all memory of Hatshepsut in Egypt. Her temple still remains in the Valley of the Kings, once the ancient city of Thebes, known today as Deir el Bahri, and Hatshepsut comes down to us as one of the most outstanding women of all time.

When you dreams dream big as big as the occean



44, male


Posts: 51

Good Business Tips

from admin on 09/24/2013 04:10 PM

  • Be professional never give personal excuses: I was late because the babysitter did not show up.
  • Your word is your bond; your speech is your chains. Do not say it with your mouth unless you can deliver it with your actions.
  • Get a mentor. And after you are successful, pay it forward.
  • Don't get sidetracked by "haters" (but also, understand that not every critic is a hater )
  • Don't be afraid to learn and try new things
  • Already business is a risky thing, uncertain and hard. Do not compound it with silly things like being late, not replying to emails, phone always off, missing target dates. If you try and fail, do not fail for something as trivial and easy to correct as this.
  • When you meet people for business, do not complain about how busy you are, name drop or babble about how important you are. Talk less about yourself and your issues and more about the hopes of the business venture.
  • Appearances matter, it does not mean we need to wear a gold and diamond crusted Rolex but-- if your phone has a broken screen, your clothes are all over the place, your glasses are cracked, your business cards are toilet paper thin, watch has Mickey Mouse strap, it does not send the right message. The question becomes; how can you conduct yourself professionally in business if you cannot take care of yourself?
  • On a similar appearance note, for sisters —dress conservatively. The business environment is not the place to express yourself, with that new Brazilian weave, blonde and red 17” extensions, or 9” gaudy nails. Again—it sends the wrong message. The corporate environment is judgmental, and it is showing no signs of letting up. Do not be the stereotype of hood culture. Keep your hair natural and tidy or, if relaxed, well maintained (no new growth, and stiff backs).
  • In a business environment speak English properly; always avoid slang.
  • Do not be shy when it comes to spending on your business partners, especially if you need them more than they need you. Make an impression and budget for those expenses as part of your cost analysis.
  • It is better not to have a website than a bad website. Having no website can be explained a million ways, a bad website can only be explained one way—you are not ready! It would be better to have one professional holding page with contact details, than a 10 page do it yourself website. Nothing lets down business more in our digital/Google age than poor websites. Under no circumstances is it professional to skimp or DIY business website.
  •  If you have a personal Facebook page, know it will come up when someone searches your name (and they will), so keep nonsense and stupidity off Facebook. It is an instant deal breaker to see stupid comments and ignorant interest on a profile page for someone you want to do business with…why would a serious person be talking like that, or clicking like on junk?
  • Communication, so important it has to be mentioned more than once. Nothing says professional more than good communication, which includes good, well-written, punctual emails. Avoid obvious spelling mistakes, be to the point and very concise. Always write in a way that provides the necessary information at a glance and use paragraphs and headers for different topics. So if you are replying to four issues, separate them and deal with them point-by-point.
  • Always take care of your customer. If they are not happy within reason, then Houston we have a problem. If you are wrong, offer compensation, and be snappy in suggesting it.
  • Under no circumstance, break your professional tone when dealing with anyone. No matter what they say, the tone should never become personal—leave that for the customers.
  • Good manners are critical, including smiles and good strong handshakes. Do not attend a business function and eat with your mouth open, or licking every one of your fingers. Have proper eating habits, if they are lacking—go and learn them. No one cares that in your culture you eat with your hands. Refinement in the business space communicates your understanding of the global world, where people act and think a certain way.
  • Do not slouch, do not drag your feet, sit up straight, leave your nose alone, speak clearly. If you have any idiosyncrasy like grunting because of a sinus problem, take care of it before the meeting. These may seem minor but business is a sale, the first thing being sold is you
  • Do nothing without a contract.
  • Do not be so rigid as to get caught up in any of these advices at the expense of the business relationship. Business is like poker you need to know when to flex, and when to firm up, when to let something slide and when to pull it up.

The only way evil  people prevail is when the good people do nothing

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