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44, male


Posts: 51

Key dating tips for Women

from admin on 09/17/2013 06:20 PM

Relationships are like flowers they blossom with time and gets much more interesting when all the ingrediens are found in it, It is always important for someone to know that there is a law that guides every of our activities and our every day life .There are fundamental laws that guide even the way we talk, the way we dress and I can say it guides everything we do.
   The key thing that ignites affairs is attraction and attraction alone is not enough to keep relationships into a lasting one.Love we know is and external bond, It is when two people agree to be together even when they have seen the worst in them.It goes with conviction of not giving up on one another even though we have to put each other into hell.
    Love is all about embracing imperfections to make things perfect, It is not just a thing of the body rather  it goes in the inner mind .
   Men are higly attraction to women who posses some good qualities  and these qualities are the ingredients to make the realtionship a lasting one.
   1. Be yourself :It is always important for a woman to be herself , to live in her world and her world alone, not to be driven by some sentiments trying to please a man or centering her life pattern around a man. Men loved your dynamic you and the love the character of interdependence that is you are close to your relationship and at the same time close to your passions and your work. Keep  those passions of yours it will not make you loose him rahter it will make you win his heart because most times he will like to watch you doing those things you love.
  2.Mind your actions on the first Date: It is always important you have good courtesy whenever you meet a man for the first time , Do not over indulge in the date, try to pretend a bit . always le him ask you what you want before you demand from the bartender.
 3.Do not rush for promises: You see many men fear commitment so in order words you need to give them ample time   to make some decisions and you also need a lengthy conversations these will help them show you who they are and you also need to be observant.
4. Do not hook up on the first date: Whenever he invites you for the first time do not honor it, make him to know you have some activities you want to attend to.
5.Let him call you : whenever he becomes the one who calls you he will be the one who is highly driven to you so in order words he will know you are not a cheap lady.
    These things are one of those things which makes men to get high respect for women and makes them to make good conclusions about them.

The only way evil  people prevail is when the good people do nothing

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