7 Rules Of First Date

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36, male


Posts: 8

7 Rules Of First Date

from micky on 03/25/2014 10:46 PM

Dating is one word that can mean various things to different people. But what we cannot take away from the paradoxically clear and ambiguous word is this; it is a meeting of two people; a guy and a girl, in a sociable way.
We get this great and supposedly pleasing event of life wrong, sometimes due to dented beliefs, bad habits or just bad luck and this disaster sometimes happen as early as the first date.
When you get it wrong at the beginning darling, it is most likely you mess up the rest of the event till its end. So how do we conquer dating failures? What do we do? Let's begin, I plea, with the things we shouldn't do by looking at seven of them critically.
Why are your hands doing the talking? Why are they not on your laps or on the table or by your sides? Don't you think if nature wanted you all over your date, it wouldn't have made your hands on his or her body? You want to say; "how are you?" and your hands are touching his chest or her waist? He or she cracks a joke and you are laughing with your whole body touching your date. You would be sending the wrong messages if you cannot keep those fingers to yourself.
And it goes the other way too. If you allow your body to be touched by those fingers without restrictions, then you are telling your date this; "See I don't really care about my body. You could touch me as long as you want and wherever you want also." Politely show your discomfort and shun the act.


Why should your first date be able to disclose the following about you? Your virginity status, how many kids you want to have in the future, how you were raped and molested, your ongoing project and your goals for 2020? It is the first date! Only the basics need to be stated. Names, age, state of origin, best food, likes and dislikes, religious status, occupation, etc. What happens after the first date and you decide not to see him or her again or your date decides not to see you again? Then you will have a total stranger in some place in the world with your life history. Please that isn't necessary.

I know many eyes would stare daggers at me now if they could see me. "No sex?" yes darling on the first date your slogan should be; zip up! When then should I zip down; as a responsible human and not a hungry insatiable animal (please forgive my choice of words), that should be after "I DO". Well that's by the way, back to the issue. Sometimes we think we would make them stay by that. Even if your date doesn't leave after the first sex, he or she could live five years later. Sex would not hold anyone back. And sex on the first date is a very cheap way of saying that you are desperate, can't control your emotions, you are a free giver of it or you've got a whack theology about relationships.

Here is the sweetest part of deceit we shouldn't allow on the first date. LIE-LIE! Just in the bid to appear cool, mean, sexy, Ajebo, paki, rich or vulnerable we become able ambassadors of Lies. Don't say what you're not or agree into what is strange to you. Don't give impressions that are not true or lead the wrong ideas about yourself on, on the mind of your date. What if you become great or even begin a courtship? Do you want to live in the lies you built at the foundation of your relationship? Or do you want to start living your true self and leaving your partner shock at the revelations of the true you? He or she would find out that half of your life is a lie. Besides some people are really smart and would spot out your lies on the first date. You don't want to give a first bad impression or a longing one for that matter now, do you?

Slow down it is just the first meeting! Don't go to your date's house on the first date, or pick up his or her phone and start scrolling through its item all in the bid of showing that you're homely. It is demeaning, wrong and can be irritating. Don't hop into his or her car and kick off the engine even when offered to. Don't act like you guys are or have been married. Don't treat your dates stuff as yours; you don't own the person or its belongings. Don't go out of bounds; keep your place and stand your guard. It is very possible that you might be broke or hungry or even both but please tell your date "Thank you" and do not accept any monetary offer (this shows credibility and good up bringing), maybe some other time you can, after a while. And please it is possible you are the Santa Claus of the nation; but don't offer money on the first date because if you are on a date with the right person, he or she might feel insulted by that gesture. I feel some eyebrows going up on guys' faces, well yes dudes; sometimes the boy is at the receiving end, shikena.

Do not dress up in ways you do not want to be addressed. You put on ear rings, lip ring, nose ring and fingers rings and all kinds of rings as a guy and the lady is scared of you and you are pissed off by that? Or for the ladies, you bare your chest and thighs and unfortunately for you, you are on a date with a guy who likes his business and others covered and so he's cold towards you and you feel he's mean? Please cut the siren off. However you dress on a first date is how you should expect to be addressed. It could go as far as your date making conclusions about you when he or she goes back home and thinks on the meeting. Be wise ladies and gentle men. Don't be too extravagant (so you don't look like you're showing off) and don't be too shabby (so you don't look out of place), just dress well and right. A tip on what to wear is having knowledge of the place the date would occur.

Do not put on that blind fold over your eyes and mind. Take them off. Observe where you are taken to or being received; is it a hotel room or brothel, home or restaurant? What sorts of phone calls are being taken by your date? What kind of language is being used by your date, foul language? Don't just be carried away by the food, drinks and heights and beauty, please people! calls. Please don't stay blind, let Lagbaja help me here "shine your eyes!" and in my words, open your mind.

It pays to be good


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