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36, male


Posts: 8

Qualities of Awesome Ladies

from micky on 03/26/2014 10:45 AM

There are 6 characteristics of an girlfriend no guy can ever resist...
1. She is honest Every guy appreciates his girlfriend being an honest person. Moreover, most men like things to be told straight so that they don’t have to question or guess what the girl means. Honesty leads to trust - the basis of any relationship.
2. She is fun and friendly We the ones who can make us smile and enjoy every moment spent together. Thus, if the two of you have a similar understanding of the word "fun", doing these funny activities together can make you even more attached to each other.
3. She is loyal Neither women, nor men like to be cheated on. Jealousy is a feeling capable of destroying the most passionate . To avoid the break-up don't flirt with other guys, just make him know you can be trusted.
4. She is loving out loud It doesn't mean you need to tell your man every five minutes how much you him. Just remember to let him know that you care about him. Believe it: men are extremely sensitive, and he will appreciate this move.
5. She is not needy Guys independent girls, who have the lives of their own. Getting all your attention concentrated on your man is not a good idea. Meet your , find your hobbies when a man enters your life. Make it all balanced...
6. She thrills him with spontaneous adventures Watching TV together is fine, but not every singe day. We all need some rock-n-roll in our life from time to time. It can be something as simple as going to a new restaurant to try foreign food you’ve never tasted. It is up to you to chose the best option for you two.

It pays to be good



36, male


Posts: 8

7 Rules Of First Date

from micky on 03/25/2014 10:46 PM

Dating is one word that can mean various things to different people. But what we cannot take away from the paradoxically clear and ambiguous word is this; it is a meeting of two people; a guy and a girl, in a sociable way.
We get this great and supposedly pleasing event of life wrong, sometimes due to dented beliefs, bad habits or just bad luck and this disaster sometimes happen as early as the first date.
When you get it wrong at the beginning darling, it is most likely you mess up the rest of the event till its end. So how do we conquer dating failures? What do we do? Let's begin, I plea, with the things we shouldn't do by looking at seven of them critically.
Why are your hands doing the talking? Why are they not on your laps or on the table or by your sides? Don't you think if nature wanted you all over your date, it wouldn't have made your hands on his or her body? You want to say; "how are you?" and your hands are touching his chest or her waist? He or she cracks a joke and you are laughing with your whole body touching your date. You would be sending the wrong messages if you cannot keep those fingers to yourself.
And it goes the other way too. If you allow your body to be touched by those fingers without restrictions, then you are telling your date this; "See I don't really care about my body. You could touch me as long as you want and wherever you want also." Politely show your discomfort and shun the act.


Why should your first date be able to disclose the following about you? Your virginity status, how many kids you want to have in the future, how you were raped and molested, your ongoing project and your goals for 2020? It is the first date! Only the basics need to be stated. Names, age, state of origin, best food, likes and dislikes, religious status, occupation, etc. What happens after the first date and you decide not to see him or her again or your date decides not to see you again? Then you will have a total stranger in some place in the world with your life history. Please that isn't necessary.

I know many eyes would stare daggers at me now if they could see me. "No sex?" yes darling on the first date your slogan should be; zip up! When then should I zip down; as a responsible human and not a hungry insatiable animal (please forgive my choice of words), that should be after "I DO". Well that's by the way, back to the issue. Sometimes we think we would make them stay by that. Even if your date doesn't leave after the first sex, he or she could live five years later. Sex would not hold anyone back. And sex on the first date is a very cheap way of saying that you are desperate, can't control your emotions, you are a free giver of it or you've got a whack theology about relationships.

Here is the sweetest part of deceit we shouldn't allow on the first date. LIE-LIE! Just in the bid to appear cool, mean, sexy, Ajebo, paki, rich or vulnerable we become able ambassadors of Lies. Don't say what you're not or agree into what is strange to you. Don't give impressions that are not true or lead the wrong ideas about yourself on, on the mind of your date. What if you become great or even begin a courtship? Do you want to live in the lies you built at the foundation of your relationship? Or do you want to start living your true self and leaving your partner shock at the revelations of the true you? He or she would find out that half of your life is a lie. Besides some people are really smart and would spot out your lies on the first date. You don't want to give a first bad impression or a longing one for that matter now, do you?

Slow down it is just the first meeting! Don't go to your date's house on the first date, or pick up his or her phone and start scrolling through its item all in the bid of showing that you're homely. It is demeaning, wrong and can be irritating. Don't hop into his or her car and kick off the engine even when offered to. Don't act like you guys are or have been married. Don't treat your dates stuff as yours; you don't own the person or its belongings. Don't go out of bounds; keep your place and stand your guard. It is very possible that you might be broke or hungry or even both but please tell your date "Thank you" and do not accept any monetary offer (this shows credibility and good up bringing), maybe some other time you can, after a while. And please it is possible you are the Santa Claus of the nation; but don't offer money on the first date because if you are on a date with the right person, he or she might feel insulted by that gesture. I feel some eyebrows going up on guys' faces, well yes dudes; sometimes the boy is at the receiving end, shikena.

Do not dress up in ways you do not want to be addressed. You put on ear rings, lip ring, nose ring and fingers rings and all kinds of rings as a guy and the lady is scared of you and you are pissed off by that? Or for the ladies, you bare your chest and thighs and unfortunately for you, you are on a date with a guy who likes his business and others covered and so he's cold towards you and you feel he's mean? Please cut the siren off. However you dress on a first date is how you should expect to be addressed. It could go as far as your date making conclusions about you when he or she goes back home and thinks on the meeting. Be wise ladies and gentle men. Don't be too extravagant (so you don't look like you're showing off) and don't be too shabby (so you don't look out of place), just dress well and right. A tip on what to wear is having knowledge of the place the date would occur.

Do not put on that blind fold over your eyes and mind. Take them off. Observe where you are taken to or being received; is it a hotel room or brothel, home or restaurant? What sorts of phone calls are being taken by your date? What kind of language is being used by your date, foul language? Don't just be carried away by the food, drinks and heights and beauty, please people! calls. Please don't stay blind, let Lagbaja help me here "shine your eyes!" and in my words, open your mind.

It pays to be good



36, male


Posts: 8

How to Forget Your Bad Ex

from micky on 03/25/2014 10:37 PM

The reason why I used the word "BAD" is because, sometimes, we break up with the best people, either carelessly, reasons that are not worth it or sometimes, parental advice. Here, I will be talking of the "bad ex" that we, have no choice, but to break up with. These are people that prevent us from reaching our goals, make us sad always, cheat on us, not ready to help and a lot of bad things associated with them; their dilapidated attitude can also cause heart attack to us. Outside breaking up with them, we are sometimes the object of the break up; we do our best and they break our hearts. I want to tell you : relationship is a good thing when u complement each other, when you respect each other and ready to assist each other. This piece will guide you on how to avoid these bad people that don't know your worth or value.
Before going into those points, let's digress a little. The main fact is that: you really have to be good to get a good partner. Sometimes we try to be good, or rather, we r good, but we still find the bad people being attracted to us. If you r the one in this category, sit back nd enjoy ways you can move forward quickly. Those steps are:

1. Always have it at the back of your mind that you will always get hurt- Truly you are not a machine. When you experience a break up, always know that you will surely get hurt for a PERIOD of time. Having this knowledge will make you scale true the hard period. NOTE, having this mind set before a relationship can also make you loose trust and commitment in your partner quickly. Take note.

2. Have good companies- There are good and bad ones, but when I say good companies, I mean people that truly care for you; people you share bonds with and secrets. Tell them all you r going true at the moment and it will surely ease your pain. Remember, a problem shared is half solved.
3. Avoid their pictures, chats, calls and even places where you had the best fun if possible- Those places and things can make you get drenched in the pool of the fake and may tempt you to going back into it. Try as much as possible to avoid them.

4. Be good, dress good and act perfect- Common! You r not the first to experience heart break, neither will you b the last. Dress well so that you can attract the right people. When I say dress well, am not saying putting on rags that may give your "next catch" the wrong impression about you; be responsible. Dress smart, look good and act as if nothing is wrong.

5 Don't take eternity before dating again- The more time you wait, the more you think about him/her, and the more you feel hurt. Look for the best one on your list and go 4 him/her. Who knows? He/she might b d RIGHT PERSON FOR YOU.
This can also work 4 bad , or that think you can't live without them. Stay bless.

It pays to be good



36, male


Posts: 8

Top 10 Works of Arts

from micky on 03/25/2014 10:30 PM

These are the all time Top 10 Works of Arts


Leonardo da Vinci – The Foetus in the Womb (c 1510-13)

Leonardo expresses the human condition in a nutshell – indeed, his rendition of the womb resembles an opened horsechestnut casing. Inside is the beginning of us all laid bare. Five hundred years ago, this artist and scientist could portray the human mystery with a wonder that is not religious but biological he holds up humanity as a fact of nature. It is for me the most beautiful work of art in the world.
• Royal Collection, Windsor Castle

Caravaggio – The Beheading of Saint John the Baptist (1608)

Caravaggio's The Beheading of Saint John the Baptist. Photograph: Alamy Caravaggio shows a murderous moment in a prison yard. The executioner has drawn a knife to sever the last tendons and skin of John the Baptist's neck. Someone watches this horrific moment from a barred window. All around is sepulchral gloom. Death and human cruelty are laid bare by this masterpiece, as its scale and shadow daunt and possess the mind.
• St John's Co-Cathedral, Valletta, Malta

Rembrandt – Self-Portrait with Two Circles (c 1665-9)

Rembrandt's Self-Portrait with Two Circles. Photograph: English Heritage/Kenwood House You are not looking at Rembrandt. He is looking at you. The authority of genius and age gaze out of this autumnal masterpiece with a moral scrutiny that is terrifying. Rembrandt seems to see into the beholder's soul and perceive every failing. He is like God. He is the most serious artist of all, because he makes everyone who stands before him a supplicant in the court of truth.
• Kenwood House, London

Chauvet cave paintings (c 30, 000 years ago)

Spotted horses from the stone-age cave paintings found at Chauvet. Photograph: PA Who painted these exquisitely lifelike portraits of animals? There was no such thing as writing in the ice age so nothing is known of the names, if they had names, of these early people. Cave artists may have been women; they may have been children. What is known is that Homo sapiens, our species of human, makes its mark with these paintings that are as beautiful and intelligent as anything created since.
• Chauvet-Pont-d'Arc Cave, Ardèche, France

Jackson Pollock – One: Number 31, 1950 (1950)

Visitors at MoMA in New York stand before Jackson Pollock's One: Number 31, 1950. Photograph: Alamy The art of Jackson Pollock is a modern mystery. How, from flinging paint on a canvas laid on the ground, did he create such beauty and inner structure? Like a solo by Charlie Parker or Jimi Hendrix, his freeform improvisations loop and lurch and yet achieve a profound unity. Pollock only held this together for a short period of brilliance. This painting is a cathedral of the mind.
• MoMA, New York

Velázquez – Las Meninas (c 1656)

Velazquez's Las Meninas. Photograph: The Gallery Collection/Corbis The king and queen stand where you are standing, in front of a gathering of courtiers. Velazquez looks from the portrait he is painting of the royal couple. The infanta and her retinue of maids (meninas) and dwarf entertainers are gathered before the monarch. In the distance, a minister or messenger is at the door. In a bright mirror, the royal reflection glows. This painting is a many-layered model of the world's strangeness.
• Prado, Madrid

Picasso – Guernica (1937)

Picasso's Guernica at Reina Sofia museum, Madrid. Photograph: Alamy When Picasso started to paint his protest at the bombing of Guernica, the ancient Basque capital, by Hitler's air force on behalf of Franco in the Spanish Civil War, he was at the height of his powers. Thirty years after painting his subversive modernist grenade of a picture Les Demoiselles d'Avignon, his cubist intelligence was now enriched by the mythology and poetry unleashed by the surrealist movement. He also looked back to such historical paintings as Raphael's Fire in the Borgo as he set down the greatest human statement of the 20th century.
• Reina Sofia, Madrid

Michelangelo – Prisoners (c 1519-34)

Michelangelo, Prisoners, or Slaves. Photograph: George Tatge/CORBIS Michelangelo's Prisoners, or Slaves, were begun for the tomb of Pope Julius II but never finished. In its entirety – including the Dying and Rebellious Slaves in the Louvre and the statue of Moses on the final, reduced version of the tomb eventually erected in Rome – this constitutes the greatest unfinished masterpiece in the world. Yet Michelangelo did not leave things unfinished out of laziness. It is an aesthetic choice. The tragic power of these prisoners as they struggle to emerge out of raw stone is an expression of the human condition that equals Shakespeare's Hamlet.
• Accademia Gallery, Florence

Parthenon Sculptures (447-442 BC)

Parthenon sculptures of Ancient Greece in situ at the British Museum in London. Photograph: In Pictures/Corbis The long marble frieze, colossal broken statues of reclining gods, and frenzied carvings of centaurs fighting humans that Lord Elgin removed from the Athenian Acropolis two centuries ago are best known today as objects of controversy – which is sad, because we should be marvelling at their genius. Most of the best ancient Greek sculpture is only known through Roman copies. This is the greatest assembly anywhere of the real thing: the very art that created the idea of the "classic". Gaze on the lowing heifer that inspired Keats's Ode on a Grecian Urn and the goddesses whose robes uncannily resemble pictures by Leonardo da Vinci. Artistically, beyond the squabbles, it doesn't get better than this.
• British Museum, London

Cézanne – Mont Sainte-Victoire (1902-4)

Paul Cezanne's Mont Sainte-Victoire. Photograph: The Gallery Collection/Corbis The broken vision of Cezanne is a glittering array of glimpses and hesitations and reconsiderations. The intensity of his gaze and the severity of his mind as he attempts to see and somehow grasp the essence of the mountain before him is one of the most moving and revelatory struggles in the history of art. Out of it, very quickly, came cubism and abstraction. But even if Cezanne's researches had led nowhere, they would put him among the greatest artists.

It pays to be good


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