10 Things to know To Avoid Being Raped

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44, male


Posts: 51

10 Things to know To Avoid Being Raped

from admin on 03/08/2014 06:05 PM

1. Never be alone with a man
Men are stronger than women by nature. Unless a woman is built like Hulk Hogan, she should never be in the same room with a man for more than 1 minute. Hmm.... who would rape_ a woman that looks like Hulk Hogan anyways.....? But that's besides the point. The devil can set workshop in the mind of any man and since you can't fight back, better leave the vicinity quickly. it doesn't matter if it is your boss or your cousin's friend or your childhood friend. It will be your fault if anything bad happens to you. If you are outnumbered by more than two men to one, better pick race like a mad woman because that is a Bleep waiting to happen. Trust me.

2. Never visit a man or let a man visit you
Now why would you do something as silly as that. You don't know that visiting a man's house implicitly means sex_ to Nigerian men? Or are you a learner? Even if you went to collect a library book or you went to visit a man's sister and she was not around, you have made a silent agreement. Whether he acts on it or not is not your business, all you have to do is to submit to his wishes or he will take what is rightfully his. If you are dating him, then you have no case at all because it is your word against his. You better go back and beg him to be your boyfriend after that because it is your fault. If you told him to visit you, then you are a prositute_ and I have no words for your likes.

3. Never walk alone at night
Women are vulnerable to all sorts of attacks in the daylight and now you have decided to be imbecilic. I don't pity you. It doesn't matter if you were coming back from work, went to visit a friend or went to buy recharge card or candle. Any woman that leaves her house after 6pm should not cry rape_ when it happens because she brought it on her self. It doesn't matter if it is an emergency or your house is on fire, stay put.

4. Never spend a night at a man's place
The biggest taboo of all. Why? WHY? Why spend the night at a man's place if you don't want to have sex_? It is even worse than number 2. Let me tell you this now, if you don't know this. There is an evil spirit called konji that plagues men at night. The bastard can smell a woman within a few meters and once it takes control, there is no telling what a man can do to a woman. You can't be screaming rape_ when konji holds a man. It is just not possible. A word is enough for the wise and... You are welcome!

5. Never kiss a man
There is a saying that goes like.... don't play in a den if you don't like the lion or is it don't eat with a lion if you don't like the den.... I can't remember it exactly but that's besides the point. Kissing is just preliminary for what comes after. Once you kiss a man you should expect to give in to whatever happens next. It doesn't matter what you want or what you like. Sex_ must come after. There is no two ways about this. Don't cry foul play after. You started it.

6. Never dress indecently
Showing your body parts means that you have become public property. Who says you have a right over your body? Infact you should be jailed for intimate abuse. Yes! I said it! Do you think wearing all those sexy_ clothes and letting men have erections without letting them have it is right? Have a conscience and stop screaming rape_. Remember the little man down there doesn't care.

7. Never accept drinks from a man
So you are out at a party (which is wrong and if you get raped_ in this setting, it is all your fault), and a guy comes over and buys you a drink. Once the bottle or glass touches your mouth and takes a sip of that drink, you are his for the night. Why waste a man's time, effort and money if you won't get that down? That's sheer wickedness honestly. If he drugged the drink and had his way with you, it will still be your fault because you accepted the drink from him. He just likes it when a woman is unconscious, that's all. If you were drunk at a party and had sex_ with a man..... that's not _rape! Why are you drunk in the first place if you are not wayward. Rubbish!

8. Never accept gifts from a man
This ties in with my above point but it is even more serious than that. Women nowadays are evil. All they do is take take take take! When will they give? You don't know that relationships of modern times are like business transactions. At some point a man needs to reap the dividend of his transaction and it doesn't matter if he takes it forcefully or not. It is not rape_, it is simply a case of a business deal gone wrong.

9. Never change your mind in the middle of sex_
This one is laughable in fact. Changing your mind? After one has inserted sim card? Is there anything wee won't hear these days. It doesn't matter if it is too painful, you are bleeding or you are not just feeling the thing anymore, you have no right to tell a man to stop in the middle of action. That's like torture. You don't know that men are like robots and once that innate response in them kicks in, it does not matter what you think or want anymore until he is done. This case won't even make it to court.

10. Never befriend a man
Ultimately, don't have male . Why have male when there are females all over the place you can befriend. If you are pretty, don't bother because at some point men will lose control and force themselves on you even if were with them since kindergarten. If you are ugly as sin, have as many male as you want because no one wants you anyway.

The list I have provided is not exhaustive but what I am trying to put across is that women have no say with what they do with their bodies. It is all up to men. It doesn't matter what happened. just know it was all your fault. You were 6 when you were raped_?... You must have seduced him. You were in your room when armed robber attacked?.... Why did you leave your doors unlocked? He was a stranger?... Your mother taught you never to talk to strangers.
Infact, never have anything to do with men in general. The best advice I can give to any woman now is that she should be a nun and join a coventry. Have as little contact with men as possible and if you do happen to, go straight to the nearest police station. There may be a probability of about a 100% that you will meet a man there and if you are _raped, it will still be your fault. Sorry but that's how our society works.

The only way evil  people prevail is when the good people do nothing


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