5 Laws Against slaves in 1681- 1683

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36, male


Posts: 63

5 Laws Against slaves in 1681- 1683

from kingjohn on 02/10/2014 11:55 PM

• Slaves may not leave their masters’ houses without permission.

• Slaves may not own weapons.

• Slaves may not gather in groups larger than four.

• White people and free black people may not entertain slaves in their homes.

• White people and free black people may not sell liquor to slaves

When you dreams dream big as big as the occean



44, male

Posts: 39

Re: 5 Laws Against slaves in 1681- 1683

from Justice on 02/25/2014 06:13 PM

Today we still have some similar conditions like this for Africans
Sanctions, Invasions and Aids all in the neo colonialism era and spirit of inequality

It pays to be good and It is more blessed to give than to recieve


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