6 Types of Relationship Astrological View

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44, male


Posts: 51

6 Types of Relationship Astrological View

from admin on 09/19/2013 11:52 PM

Relationships is a vital issue in the life of humans, it creates a noble avenue for our growth and succes in life, and there are many key things we need to know about it especially when we know them it paves way for our success in affairs with others. The types are .

Aries – Libra Duality

The Aries – Libra duality is one of the most passionate and strongest we can find. Both signs are ruled by sexual planets (Venus and Mars) and they are very sensual.  This duality usually exists in relationships that have as the most important factors passion and intimacy. Although love is something important there are also some important imbalances that they may create severe problems in a couple’s life. The “I” and “You” are usually in conflict and someone takes more than he gives and the other usually remains unsatisfied. This dissatisfaction may lead to power struggles between the couple and severe conflicts. The person with the strong ego has usually to lower his demands and the person who is more passive needs to learn to ask and demand more for himself. This is not something that happens in a day and it may need a cognitive behavioral

Taurus – Scorpio Duality

Sensuality and extreme passions are the greatest characteristics of this duality. The couple usually has common needs and it wants to feel well not only emotionally but also financially. There is great stability in this relationship and they can sustain their union even when luck is not with them and they do not get the support from the others. It is also a duality that makes  couples to last the test of time and live together for the rest of their life. The problem in this couple is sometimes the rigidness and the importance it gives to materials such as money. They may feel very insecure and unhappy during periods their financial situation is not going well.  There is also sometimes a problem with “emotional suffocation”, the couple has a deep insecurity and the partners may feel not well giving each other the proper freedom, something that becomes tiresome later on.

Gemini – Sagittarius Duality

This duality brings joy and fascination to the couple. It usually creates a relationship with many interests and with the need to explore and discover many things within their relationship.  This duality is very joyful and the relationship is often verbal and needs to share its happiness with the environment. The problem is usually the development of the emotion because sometimes people are more friends than a romantic couple. Also the problem with this relationship is that it is difficult to last as the couple usually feels not very connected. On the other hand this type of duality is positive when the people want to have a relationship which will have as a result their development of their personality. The problem is that sometimes a person in the couple is not highly motivated for the relationship and feels he/she just has a good time with someone. Infidelity is finally another major problem.

Cancer – Capricorn Duality

This duality is full of emotions but also disturbances. It is the duality of the usual phenomenon which one is usually more in love from the other. On the other hand it gives a mother – child or father – child balance in the relationship that it is useful for people that have age difference. Emotionally it may be a very fruitful relationship but usually has lots of obstacles as a result of fate. Sometimes the couple is isolated from the others and inhibited something that may create important problems especially when the relationship needs people to breathe and be developed because it is an organism that has to live and communicate in a specific environment.

Astrology puts humans in these classes and tends to prove that these classes behave in diverse ways and have different gifts and weaknesses.

The only way evil  people prevail is when the good people do nothing


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