Best Things to say on a First Date

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36, male


Posts: 63

Best Things to say on a First Date

from kingjohn on 02/11/2014 12:01 AM

#1 “Thanks For A Nice Time”

Make sure to thank them for the nice time together, even if you didn’t really have a great time. If it wasn’t a good fit, don’t feel like you have to make a connection at the end of the night. It’s okay to just walk away if you’re not interested, just make sure to be polite about it and wish them well.

#2 "When Can We Do This Again?"

If you want to have a second date, there’s no reason to hide it. Be bold and just tell them straight up that you want to see them again. See what they have to say about it and go from there.

#3 "Where To?"

Some of the best dates are ones that aren't completely planned. Have a set of destinations to choose from and then let your date choose where you'll go.

#4 "Life Is Too Short"

No one wants to walk away from a first date feeling like they’re going to cry themselves to sleep. This is not the time to bring up your sob stories about any area of life. Keep it positive! Remember that! Even if the conversation goes to a bad memory, figure out a way to put a positive spin on it.

#5 "I Hope This A Great First Date"

You need to make sure your date knows that you’re confident. Nothing says “insecure” like someone that’s trying to see how they measure up to past relationships and dates so if you want to know how you're doing on this one, tell them you hope it's going well.

#6 "I Really Like You"

Remember when you were a kid and when you liked someone you would tell them? It's the same thing here. No one likes mind games so if you really like your date, let them know.

#7 "Shall We Dance?"

If you’re at a place where dancing is appropriate, you should try it out. It might seem a little silly but being spontaneous is worth it!

#8 “Let Me Get That For You”

If you’re a guy, you should not be making your date open the door or pay for the date. It may seem a little old-fashioned but she will really appreciate it.

#9 "You're So Interesting"

Just like it’s bad to do all the talking, it’s bad to not listen to what is being said. Pay attention to what they’re saying and have something to say in response.

#10 "Do You Go To School?"

This is a safe, simple question to ask during a date. Since college age now lasts from late teens until the grave, they will probably be able to tell you about the school they attend, have attended or wish to attend.

#11 “Do You Like To Cook?”

This is just a backwards way of figuring out where you’d go on your next date. If they to cook, then they may end up wanting to cook for you on one of your future dates. If they don’t, you may be able to surprise them by cooking for them or just finding out their favorite restaurant and food.

When you dreams dream big as big as the occean


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