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44, male


Posts: 51

6 Nations who benefitted heavily on slavery

from admin on 10/09/2013 09:24 PM


The United States of America

Slavery transformed America into an economic power. The exploitation of black people for free labor made the South the richest and most politically powerful region in the country. British demand for American cotton made the southern stretch of the Mississippi River the Silicon Valley of its era, boasting the single largest concentration of the nation’s millionaires.

But slavery was a national enterprise. Many firms on Wall Street such as JPMorgan Chase, New York Life and now-defunct Lehman Brothers made fortunes from investing in the slave trade the most profitable economic activity in New York’s 350 year history. Slavery was so important to the city that New York was one of the most pro-slavery urban municipalities in the North.

According to Harper’s magazine (November 2000), the United States stole an estimated $100 trillion for 222,505,049 hours of forced labor between 1619 and 1865, with a compounded interest of 6 percent.America is now the world's third black dominant nation on earth.



Between 1761 and 1808, British traders hauled 1,428,000 African captives across the Atlantic and pocketed $96.5 million – about $13 billion in value today – from selling them as slaves.

From 1500 to 1860, by very modest estimations, around 12 million Africans were traded into slavery in the Americas. In British vessels alone, 3.25 million Africans were shipped. These voyages were often very profitable. For instance, in the 17th century, the Royal Africa Company could buy an enslaved African with trade goods worth $5 and sell that person in the Americas for $32, making an average net profit of 38 percent per voyage.

Slave-owning planters and merchants who dealt in slaves and slave produce were among the richest people in 18th-century Britain, but many other British citizens benefited from the human trafficking industry.

Profits from slavery were used to endow All Souls College, Oxford, with a splendid library; to build a score of banks, including the Bank of London and Barclays; and to finance the experiments of James Watt, inventor of the first efficient steam engine.

As the primary catalyst for the Industrial Revolution, the transatlantic slave trade provided factory owners who dealt in textiles, iron, glass and gun-making a mega-market in West Africa, where their goods were traded for slaves. Birmingham had over 4,000 gun-makers, with 100,000 guns a year going to slave-traders. The boom in manufacturing provided many jobs for ordinary people in Britain who, in addition to  working in factories, could be employed to build roads and bridges, and in whaling, mining, etc.s:


slave pic


With over 1,600,000 enslaved Africans transported to the West Indies, France was clearly a major player in the trade. Its slave ports were a major contributor to the country’s economic advancements in the 18th century. Many of its cities on the west coast, such as Nantes, Lorient, La Rochelle, and Bordeaux, built their wealth through the major profits of triangular slave trade.

Between 1738 and 1745, from Nantes, France’s leading slave port,  55,000 slaves were taken to the New World in 180 ships. From 1713 to 1775, nearly 800 vessels in the slave trade sailed from Nantes.

By the late 1780s, French Saint Domingue, which is modern-day Haiti, became the richest and most prosperous colony in the West Indies, cementing its status as a vital port in the Americas for goods and products flowing to and from France and Europe.

The income and taxes from slave-based sugar production became a major source of the French national budget. Each year over 600 vessels visited the ports of Haiti to carry its sugar, coffee, cotton, indigo, and cacao to European consumers.


Enslaved Africans on Slave Ship


The Dutch West India Company, a chartered company of Dutch merchants, was established in 1621 as a  monopoly over the African slave trade to Brazil, the Caribbean and North America.

WIC had offices in Amsterdam, Rotterdam, Hoorn, Middelburg and Groningen, but one-fourth of Africans transported across the Atlantic by the company were moved in slave ships from Amsterdam. Almost all of the money that financed slave plantations in Suriname and the Antilles came from bankers in Amsterdam, just as many of the ships used to transport slaves were built there.

Many of the raw materials that were turned into finished goods in Amsterdam, such as sugar and coffee, were grown in the colonies using slave labor and then refined in factories in the Jordaan neighborhood.

Revenue from the goods produced with slave labor funded much of The Netherlands’ golden age in the 17th century, a period renowned for its artistic, literary, scientific, and philosophical achievements.

Slave labor created vast sources of wealth for the Dutch in the form of precious metals, sugar, tobacco, cocoa, coffee and cotton and other goods, and helped to fund the creation of Amsterdam’s beautiful and famous canals and city center.

rescued slaves


Portugal was the first of all European countries to become involved in the Atlantic slave trade.  From the 15th to 19th century, the Portuguese exported 4.5 million Africans as slaves to the Americas, making it Europe’s largest trafficker of human beings.

Slave labor was the driving force behind the growth of the sugar economy in Portugal’s colony of Brazil, and sugar was the primary export from 1600 to 1650. Gold and diamond deposits were discovered in Brazil in 1690, which sparked an increase in the importation of African slaves to power this newly profitable market.

The large portion of the Brazilian inland where gold was extracted was known as the Minas Gerais (General Mines). Gold mining in this area became the main economic activity of colonial Brazil during the 18th century. In Portugal, the gold was mainly used to pay for industrialized goods such as textiles and weapons, and to build magnificent baroque monuments like the Convent of Mafra.

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Starting in 1492, Spain was the first European country to colonize the New World, where they established an economic monopoly in the territories of Florida and other parts of North America, Mexico, Trinidad, Cuba and other Caribbean islands. The native populations of these colonies were mostly dying from disease or enslavement, so the Spanish were forced to increasingly rely on African slave labor to run their colonies.

The money generated from these settlements created great wealth for the Hapsburg and Bourbon dynasties throughout Spain’s hold on the area. But it also attracted Spain’s European rivals, prompting Spanish rulers to spend the riches from the Americas to fuel successive European wars.

Spanish treasure fleets were used to protect the cargo transported across the Atlantic Ocean. The ships’ cargo included  lumber, manufactured goods, various metal resources and expensive luxury goods including silver, gold, gems, pearls, spices, sugar, tobacco leaf and silk.

Port cities in Spain flourished. Seville, which had a royal monopoly on New World trade, was transformed from a provincial port into a major city and political center.  Since the Spanish colonists were not yet producing their own staples such as wine, oil, flour, arms and leather, and had large financial reserves to pay for them, prices in Castile and Andalusia rose sharply as traders bought up goods to ship out.

Prices of oil, wine and wheat tripled between 1511 and 1539. The great vineyards of Jerez, the olive groves of Jaén, and the arms and leather industry of Toledo were established on their present scale during these years.

The only way evil  people prevail is when the good people do nothing



44, male


Posts: 51

Taking a Hike

from admin on 09/29/2013 09:38 PM

A father came home from a long business trip to find his son riding a very fancy new 10 speed bike. "Where did you get the money for the bike? It must have cost $300."

"Easy, Dad," the boy replied. "I earned it hiking."

"Come on," the father said. "Tell me the truth."

"That is the truth," the boy replied. "Every night you were gone, Mr. Reynolds from the grocery store would come over to see Mom. He'd give me a $20 bill and tell me to take a hike!"

The only way evil  people prevail is when the good people do nothing



44, male


Posts: 51

Good Business Tips

from admin on 09/24/2013 04:10 PM

  • Be professional never give personal excuses: I was late because the babysitter did not show up.
  • Your word is your bond; your speech is your chains. Do not say it with your mouth unless you can deliver it with your actions.
  • Get a mentor. And after you are successful, pay it forward.
  • Don't get sidetracked by "haters" (but also, understand that not every critic is a hater )
  • Don't be afraid to learn and try new things
  • Already business is a risky thing, uncertain and hard. Do not compound it with silly things like being late, not replying to emails, phone always off, missing target dates. If you try and fail, do not fail for something as trivial and easy to correct as this.
  • When you meet people for business, do not complain about how busy you are, name drop or babble about how important you are. Talk less about yourself and your issues and more about the hopes of the business venture.
  • Appearances matter, it does not mean we need to wear a gold and diamond crusted Rolex but-- if your phone has a broken screen, your clothes are all over the place, your glasses are cracked, your business cards are toilet paper thin, watch has Mickey Mouse strap, it does not send the right message. The question becomes; how can you conduct yourself professionally in business if you cannot take care of yourself?
  • On a similar appearance note, for sisters —dress conservatively. The business environment is not the place to express yourself, with that new Brazilian weave, blonde and red 17” extensions, or 9” gaudy nails. Again—it sends the wrong message. The corporate environment is judgmental, and it is showing no signs of letting up. Do not be the stereotype of hood culture. Keep your hair natural and tidy or, if relaxed, well maintained (no new growth, and stiff backs).
  • In a business environment speak English properly; always avoid slang.
  • Do not be shy when it comes to spending on your business partners, especially if you need them more than they need you. Make an impression and budget for those expenses as part of your cost analysis.
  • It is better not to have a website than a bad website. Having no website can be explained a million ways, a bad website can only be explained one way—you are not ready! It would be better to have one professional holding page with contact details, than a 10 page do it yourself website. Nothing lets down business more in our digital/Google age than poor websites. Under no circumstances is it professional to skimp or DIY business website.
  •  If you have a personal Facebook page, know it will come up when someone searches your name (and they will), so keep nonsense and stupidity off Facebook. It is an instant deal breaker to see stupid comments and ignorant interest on a profile page for someone you want to do business with…why would a serious person be talking like that, or clicking like on junk?
  • Communication, so important it has to be mentioned more than once. Nothing says professional more than good communication, which includes good, well-written, punctual emails. Avoid obvious spelling mistakes, be to the point and very concise. Always write in a way that provides the necessary information at a glance and use paragraphs and headers for different topics. So if you are replying to four issues, separate them and deal with them point-by-point.
  • Always take care of your customer. If they are not happy within reason, then Houston we have a problem. If you are wrong, offer compensation, and be snappy in suggesting it.
  • Under no circumstance, break your professional tone when dealing with anyone. No matter what they say, the tone should never become personal—leave that for the customers.
  • Good manners are critical, including smiles and good strong handshakes. Do not attend a business function and eat with your mouth open, or licking every one of your fingers. Have proper eating habits, if they are lacking—go and learn them. No one cares that in your culture you eat with your hands. Refinement in the business space communicates your understanding of the global world, where people act and think a certain way.
  • Do not slouch, do not drag your feet, sit up straight, leave your nose alone, speak clearly. If you have any idiosyncrasy like grunting because of a sinus problem, take care of it before the meeting. These may seem minor but business is a sale, the first thing being sold is you
  • Do nothing without a contract.
  • Do not be so rigid as to get caught up in any of these advices at the expense of the business relationship. Business is like poker you need to know when to flex, and when to firm up, when to let something slide and when to pull it up.

The only way evil  people prevail is when the good people do nothing



44, male


Posts: 51

Tips to getting your right partner

from admin on 09/24/2013 03:53 PM

It's hard to use the term 'soul mate' without feeling like you should be wearing a cape and meditating over a crystal.

We've considered the concept extensively both independently and together over Gchat and we are of the same mind on the matter: Not only do soul mates exist but all of us have more than one soul mate out there. And to quote 'Annie' (kind of), 'A life without soul mates is like a night without stars' a very dark night.

But don't think because you are single that you've been left out of the soul mate phenomenon. It's limiting to think that merging with your other half must be romantic in nature. Soul mates can be lovers, friends, family members or even pets.

While the universe might help us out in our quest to find them, it's up to us to make sure we connect with them. Soul mate relationships seem so meant to be that it's hard to imagine ever not knowing that person once you do. But just to be safe, below are some tips for making sure your soul mates in life don't pass you by.

Instant recognition Ami met her soul mate best friend 16 years ago on the first week of college when she made a snarky joke and her friend was the only person who laughed. One thing that's true of all soul mates, whether they're romantic or platonic, is that they will understand you better than anyone else. This feeling of mutual understanding often occurs almost instantly, and it only gets deeper and truer as you get to know each other better. What starts as a shared laugh at a snarky joke could lead to a lifetime of mutual laughter. Pay attention to those little moments of instant connection with people-you never know where they might take you!

Coincidences surround you When you're spending time with your soul mate, you'll notice that the world is like a highway just for you. There will be road signs guiding you on your route. There will be coincidences everywhere. If you say, 'I love so-and-so song!' You'll be at a coffee shop one hour later and that song as obscure as it may be will be playing. If you're talking about your mutual love of '90210,' you'll sit down to dinner at a restaurant and notice that the dude sitting next to you is wearing a '90210″ sweatshirt. If you're playing Trivial Pursuit, you'll pull out the same card two times in a row. These are all real-life examples, by the way. But you get the point: the universe is sending you little affirmations that the two of you are meant to be playing Trivial Pursuit together for the rest of eternity. Don't ignore the road signs.

A gut instinct Many couples who have been married for decades describe a sense of knowing their partner was 'the one' the moment they met, but this feeling can take other forms as well. You might just feel a little wave of intensity, or your heart might beat a little faster when you meet your future soul mate pet at a shelter. Don't ignore those gut feelings.

A feeling of urgency or magnetism When you're in the vicinity of a soul mate, you will probably feel drawn to them or pulled toward them. You might feel a sense of urgency, like 'I must talk to that person RIGHT NOW.' It's easy to toss these feelings aside when they come out of nowhere or don't seem to make sense, but do us a favor, OK? Even if it goes against all logic, act on those instincts. When Winona's friend saw her soul mate walking into an art gallery, she found herself instantly transfixed on him. Though she's usually extremely shy, she followed him in and eventually asked him out. In general, when the universe nudges you down a path, follow it.

You're in the wrong place at the wrong time, to be in the right place at the right time Soul mate meetings often start with some kind of hiccup in your daily routine, or something going wrong, or your best laid plans falling apart. When you look back though, you'll realize all that perceived inconvenience was totally meant to be. Winona was so upset when she didn't get into a writing class she wanted, but when she begrudgingly signed up for a different class, she ended up sitting by the person who would become her soul mate BFF. A friend of Ami's met her current boyfriend when her usual bus stop was closed and she was forced to get on at a different station. The fact is, sometimes we have to take a convoluted, slightly annoying path to meet the people we're supposed to meet. But it's always worth it in the end.

Premonition Often times, you'll have a premonition of meeting your soul mate before you do in the form of a dream or a déjà vu type of sensation. A friend of Winona's actually wrote a journal entry describing her ideal guy-physical and personality traits-and ended up meeting him two days later. And Ami knows someone who had a dream about her future boyfriend years before they met describing him by name, appearance and the circumstances of their meeting. If you're not into psychic mumbo jumbo, that's fine, but you may find yourself having some kind feeling like you've known this person forever

The only way evil  people prevail is when the good people do nothing



44, male


Posts: 51

12 common gramatical errors nearly everyone makes

from admin on 09/21/2013 08:39 PM

  1. Affect vs. effect. The easiest way to remember the difference between the two is affect means “to influence.” So if you’re going to influence something, you will have an affect. If it’s the result of something, it’s an effect.
  2. The Oxford comma. In a series of three or more terms, you should use what’s referred to as the Oxford comma. This means you should have a comma before the word “and” in a list. For instance: The American flag is red, white, and blue. Many people debate this, but I’m a believer in it because there are times when you don’t have the extra comma and the sentence doesn’t make sense. I prefer to err on the side of having the Oxford in there.
  3. Commas, in general. And speaking of commas, slow down when you’re writing and read your copy out loud. You don’t want to make this mistake: Let’s eat grandma vs. let’s eat, grandma. Poor grandma will be eaten if you forget the comma.
  4. Their, they’re, and there. You’d think everyone learned this rule in fourth grade, but it’s a very common mistake. Use “there” when referring to a location, “their” to indication possession, and “they’re” when you mean to say “they are.”
  5. Care less. The dismissive “I could care less” you hear all the time is incorrect. If you could care less, that means there is more you could care less about the topic. Most people omit the “not” in that phrase. It should be, “I couldn’t care less.”
  6. Irregardless. This word doesn’t exist. It should be regardless.
  7. Nauseous. How many times have you said you felt nauseous? This is incorrect. You feel nauseated. Nauseous means something is sickening to contemplate.
  8. Your and you’re. Another mistake you see in people’s social media profiles and in the content they create is not correctly using “your” and “you’re.” If you’re meaning to say “you are,” the correct word is “you’re” (like at the beginning of this sentence). Otherwise the word is “your.”
  9. Fewer vs. less. Another common mistake, “less” refers to quantity and “fewer” to a number. For instance, Facebook has fewer than 5,000 employees.
  10. Quotation marks. Among great debate, people ask all the time whether or not punctuation belongs inside or outside quotation marks. It belongs inside.
  11. More than vs. over. I’m pretty sure the advertising agency created this grammatical error. Instead of saying, “We had more than 50 percent growth” in ad copy, “over” allows for more space. So they say, “We had over 50 percent growth.” Drives. Me. Crazy.
  12. Me vs. I. I was reading something by a big muckety muck the other day and the copy read, “This year has brought a big personal development for my wife and I…” No, no, no! If you were going to say that without the mention of your wife, you wouldn’t say, “This year has brought a big personal development for I.” You would say “me.” So this year has brought a big personal development for my wife and me.

The only way evil  people prevail is when the good people do nothing



44, male


Posts: 51

Re: 10 Things that Africans was great in before slavery and colonialisation

from admin on 09/20/2013 04:31 PM

These are men or people who others claim they brought light to .What does this truth reveal to you it means they have had the candles centuries ago, so if  you can invent the candle will you look for light or the flame to put it on...

The only way evil  people prevail is when the good people do nothing



44, male


Posts: 51

10 Things that Africans was great in before slavery and colonialisation

from admin on 09/20/2013 04:28 PM


Blacks built the first universities in the world. In particular,  the University of Tombouctou, also called  Timbuktu, which is in Mali, was considered the oldest thriving university in the world. Students came from Europe, the Middle East, Asia and all over the world and contains lots of ancients scripts.

timbuktu mali

2.Astronomy Several ancient African cultures made discoveries in astronomy. Egyptians unfathomed the movement of the sun and constellations and the cycles of the moon long before any other region of the world. The Egyptians inspired the modern calendar. There are evidence that shows they divided the year into 12 parts and developed a yearlong calendar system containing 365 ¼ days



The ancient Egyptians, a primarily black civilization, started writing in about 3500 B.C. or 5,500 years ago. The Sumerian of Mesopotamians and ancient Egyptians were the first known in history to establish communication through writing. Other Asian and European cultures began writing thousands of years later.They used symbols to represent letters  and images also.

4.Metallurgy and Tools

The first advances in metallurgy and tool-making were made by black people all across ancient Africa. They made metal chisels, saws, copper and iron tools, weapons, nails, glue, and carbon steel and bronze weapons.

Tanzania, Rwanda and Uganda made advances between 1,500 and 2,000 years ago, which surpassed those of the Europeans at that time. Ancient Tanzanian furnaces could reach 1,800 degrees Celsius — 200 to 400 degrees warmer than those of the Romans. Africans have goldsmiths and blacksmiths who believe in the gods who own metals and they were very good at steel works.

5.Architecture and engineering

Black people were the first to use the sciences of architecture and engineering, building some of the greatest and longest-standing structures ever seen. The Egyptians baffled the world by building more than 80 pyramids, with the largest, the Great Pyramid of Giza, covering 13 acres and made of 2.25 million blocks of stone. The Giza pyramid was built around 2580 B.C. and is still standing strong today.

egypt with the pyramid


Before the European invasion of Africa, black people had developed a medical system based on plants and herbs to cure illnesses. Egypt,  Southern Africa, West Africa and parts of East Africa were more advanced in medicine than Europe at the time. They used plants with salicylic acid for pain, kaolin for diarrhea, and other extracts to kill bacteria.

The achievements by doctors in ancient Egypt were incredible. Findings obtained by archaeologists have produced evidence that in 3000 B.C., the Egyptians performed successful brain surgeries.


Black people were the first to navigate the ocean. There is evidence that ancient Africans sailed to South America and Asia hundreds of years before Europeans.

Shipbuilders in the Mali and Songhai empires built boats 100-feet long and 13-feet wide that could carry up to 80 tons of cargo.


It is well established that black people introduced civilization to the world. Egypt is the best known example, but there are many others.  Africans built powerful, wealthy and thriving empires such as Nubia, Kush, Axum, Ghana, Mali, and Songhai.

In Asia, black people were instrumental in building civilizations in Mesopotamia, the Indus Kush Valley, and China. There is also evidence that the Olmecs of Mexico were significantly influenced by West African civilizations.


Black people were the first to develop mathematics in Africa 37,000 years ago, as it was the first method of counting. Africans in the region known as modern-day Egypt, scripted textbooks about math that included division, multiplication, algebraic equations, fractions and geometric formulas to calculate the area and volume of shapes.



The richest man to ever live was a black man named Mansa Musa. Musa, who was an emperor of the great African empire Mali from 1312 to 1337, was one of the most influential leaders the world has ever known.

Mastering commerce and trade, Musa accumulated an estimated $400 billion during his reign, according to a new inflation-adjusted list by Forbes.com, making him the richest man in the history of the world.

mansa musa

The only way evil  people prevail is when the good people do nothing



44, male


Posts: 51

6 Types of Relationship Astrological View

from admin on 09/19/2013 11:52 PM

Relationships is a vital issue in the life of humans, it creates a noble avenue for our growth and succes in life, and there are many key things we need to know about it especially when we know them it paves way for our success in affairs with others. The types are .

Aries – Libra Duality

The Aries – Libra duality is one of the most passionate and strongest we can find. Both signs are ruled by sexual planets (Venus and Mars) and they are very sensual.  This duality usually exists in relationships that have as the most important factors passion and intimacy. Although love is something important there are also some important imbalances that they may create severe problems in a couple’s life. The “I” and “You” are usually in conflict and someone takes more than he gives and the other usually remains unsatisfied. This dissatisfaction may lead to power struggles between the couple and severe conflicts. The person with the strong ego has usually to lower his demands and the person who is more passive needs to learn to ask and demand more for himself. This is not something that happens in a day and it may need a cognitive behavioral

Taurus – Scorpio Duality

Sensuality and extreme passions are the greatest characteristics of this duality. The couple usually has common needs and it wants to feel well not only emotionally but also financially. There is great stability in this relationship and they can sustain their union even when luck is not with them and they do not get the support from the others. It is also a duality that makes  couples to last the test of time and live together for the rest of their life. The problem in this couple is sometimes the rigidness and the importance it gives to materials such as money. They may feel very insecure and unhappy during periods their financial situation is not going well.  There is also sometimes a problem with “emotional suffocation”, the couple has a deep insecurity and the partners may feel not well giving each other the proper freedom, something that becomes tiresome later on.

Gemini – Sagittarius Duality

This duality brings joy and fascination to the couple. It usually creates a relationship with many interests and with the need to explore and discover many things within their relationship.  This duality is very joyful and the relationship is often verbal and needs to share its happiness with the environment. The problem is usually the development of the emotion because sometimes people are more friends than a romantic couple. Also the problem with this relationship is that it is difficult to last as the couple usually feels not very connected. On the other hand this type of duality is positive when the people want to have a relationship which will have as a result their development of their personality. The problem is that sometimes a person in the couple is not highly motivated for the relationship and feels he/she just has a good time with someone. Infidelity is finally another major problem.

Cancer – Capricorn Duality

This duality is full of emotions but also disturbances. It is the duality of the usual phenomenon which one is usually more in love from the other. On the other hand it gives a mother – child or father – child balance in the relationship that it is useful for people that have age difference. Emotionally it may be a very fruitful relationship but usually has lots of obstacles as a result of fate. Sometimes the couple is isolated from the others and inhibited something that may create important problems especially when the relationship needs people to breathe and be developed because it is an organism that has to live and communicate in a specific environment.

Astrology puts humans in these classes and tends to prove that these classes behave in diverse ways and have different gifts and weaknesses.

The only way evil  people prevail is when the good people do nothing



44, male


Posts: 51

Secrets of spectacular sex

from admin on 09/18/2013 07:31 PM

Spectacular-Sex 770


Everyone wants better sex, but many of us have the wrong idea about how to make it happen. Here are the seven secrets to achieving a spectacular sex life.

One, the first thing we need to understand is that, despite what television, movies and videos say, sex is an experience, not a performance. When we’re too self-conscious about how we’re doing it, we can’t enjoy what we’re doing or who we’re doing it with.

We need to stop imagining that during sex we’re being rated for our skills. The truth is that technique is much less important than the connection we have with the other person. The better the connection, the better the sex, regardless of our technique or lack thereof.

Two, sex is a dance in which both partners must take turns leading and following. Listening is the key, as knows when to take the initiative and when to let go of control. The more willing we are to participate in the dance, the better the sex will be.

Three, comfort is everything. Feeling a bit vulnerable during sex can be exciting, but feeling too vulnerable can ruin an otherwise potentially good sexual experience. It’s crucial that each partner make a sincere effort to put the other person at ease so that both are in the mood for great sex.

The key to comfort is mutual respect. Whether it’s a one-off encounter with no strings attached or a long-term, meaningful relationship, respecting each-other and valuing each-other as human beings will make sex more comfortable, and therefore more enjoyable

Four, like most things, sex is better with a sense of humor. When we can laugh at our awkward, clumsy moments, our missteps and ungainliness, and when we don’t judge our partner for theirs, we become more endearing to each-other and sex becomes sweeter and a lot less stressful.

Five, good sex is all about communication. We need to be clear with the other person about what we like and don’t like, what we want and don’t want. Otherwise, we’re apt to be frustrated or irritated.

Being attracted to each-other doesn’t mean that we can read each-other’s minds. Expressing our likes and dislikes is part of creating the connection that leads to a more enjoyable sexual experience.

Six, the best sex is a balance between being open to new experiences and true to ourselves. It’s great to try new things, or at least consider them, but we’re abandoning ourselves if we go along with something that feels wrong. We should never do anything in sex — including the choice to have sex — if it doesn’t feel like the right thing to do.

It’s great to be adventurous in sex. It’s one of the few ways that we can abandon ourselves in the moment and let go of our “shoulds” and our inhibitions. The right partner and lots of trust and respect makes this possible. Still, even with the best partner, we need to heed our inner wisdom and know our limits. Good sex is about respecting our partner and being true to ourselves.
  Sex is a vital thing in relationship and it breeds compactibility in friends

The only way evil  people prevail is when the good people do nothing

Reply Edited on 09/21/2013 08:36 PM.


44, male


Posts: 51

Ancient Biblical town discovered

from admin on 09/18/2013 03:48 PM

Recent foundings showed a  town dating back more than 2,000 years has been discovered on the northwest coast of the Sea of Galilee, in Israel's Ginosar valley.

The ancient town may be Dalmanutha (also spelled Dalmanoutha), described in the Gospel of Mark as the place Jesus sailed to after miraculously feeding 4,000 people by multiplying a few fish and loaves of bread, said Ken Dark, of the University of Reading in the U.K., whose team discovered the town during a field survey

The archaeologists also determined that a famous boat, dating to around 2,000 years ago, and uncovered in 1986, was found on the shoreline of the newly discovered town. The boat was reported on two decades ago but the discovery of the town provides new information on what lay close to it.

The evidence the team found suggests the town was prosperous in ancient times. "Vessel glass and amphora hint at wealth," Dark wrote in an article published in the most recent edition of the journal Palestine Exploration Quarterly, while "weights and stone anchors, along with the access to beaches suitable for landing boats — and, of course, the first-century boat … all imply an involvement with fishing."

The architectural remains and pottery suggest that Jews and those following a polytheistic religion lived side by side in the community. In addition, the researchers found that the southern side of the newly discovered town lies only about 500 feet (150 meters) away from another ancient town known as Magdala.

Fields between the modern-day town of Migdal and the sea coast contained hundreds of pottery pieces dating from as early as the second or first century B.C. to up to some point after the fifth century A.D., the time of the Byzantine Empire, the archaeologists found. The artifacts suggest the town survived for many centuries. 


Also among their finds were cubes known as tesserae and limestone vessel fragments, which were "associated with Jewish purity practices in the early Roman period," indicating the presence of a Jewish community in the town, Dark told LiveScience in an email.

Some of the most impressive finds, however, were not made in the fields but rather in modern-day Migdal itself. The archaeologists found dozens of examples of ancient architectural remains, some of which the modern-day townspeople had turned into seats or garden ornaments, or simply left lying on the ground. In one instance, the researchers found more than 40 basalt ashlar blocks in a single garden.

After talking to the local people, and trying to identify the source and date of the findings, the researchers determined that many of the architectural remains came from the local area and likely were part of this newly discovered town.

These remains included a number of ancient column fragments, including examples of capitals (the top of columns) carved in a Corinthian style. "This settlement may have contained masonry buildings, some with mosaic floors and architectural stonework," Dark wrote in his paper.

The finds also included a pagan altar, made of light-gray limestone and used in religious rituals by those of a polytheistic faith, Dark said.

In the Nwe Testament  Dalmanutha is mentioned only briefly in the Gospel of Mark.

The gospel says that after feeding 4,000 people by miraculously multiplying a few fish and loaves of bread, Jesus "got into the boat with his disciples and went to the region of Dalmanutha. The Pharisees came and began to question Jesus. To test him, they asked him foa sign of Heaven. He sighed deeply and said, 'Why does this generation ask for a sign? Truly I tell you, no sign will be given to it.'Then he left them, got back into the boat and crossed to the other side." (Mark 8:10-13, New International Version)


Dark isn't certain the newly discovered town is Dalmanutha, but there is evidence to support the idea. From the remains found, researchers can tell the newly discovered town would have been a sizable, thriving location in the first century A.D., and the name Dalmanutha has not been firmly linked to a known archaeological site.

It's likely that the newly found town's name is among the few place-names already identified by other researchers relating to the Ginosar valley shore, and one of those places is Dalmanutha, It is always a proven fact that the stories in the Bible are pure events that took place on earth.

The only way evil  people prevail is when the good people do nothing

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