Words that destroy relationships

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44, male


Posts: 51

Words that destroy relationships

from admin on 11/10/2013 04:07 PM

Words are powerful. They can cut you, heal you, inspire you, and stop you from certain actions. Learning the language of a strong, healthy relationship or marriage takes time and diligence, but saying some words regularly may cause irreparable damage.

Here are five words that are destined to cause damage to your relationship or marriage.

1.  “Never.”

“Never” implies a sense of hopelessness and finality. When you use “never,” you’re telling your spouse that they are no good, will never be any good and that there’s no hope for change. It’s an all-or-nothing phrase that does not lend itself to listening, compromising and creating good will.

2. ”Always.” 

“Always” implies a sense of rigidity and righteousness. When you use “always,” you’re telling your spouse that they are wrong, you are right, and that there’s nothing that can be done about it. It’s also an all-or-nothing phrase, and it does not lend itself to understanding, learning, or healing.

3. ”But.”

“But” implies a sense of manipulation and a lack of integrity. When you use “but,” you negate whatever was said before. It invalidates your message and turns a positive statement into a negative one. It’s a conjunction that does not lend itself to building trust, credibility and intimacy. Similar words to avoid include “however” and “although.”

4. I hate your friends

It is not a good thing to always tell your partner bad things about his or her friends.It sends the wrong message to them because those things you condemn in their friends are probably the things to bind them together it is good to be moderate when trying to talk about your partners friends .It is a harmful thing to relationship because everyone looks forward to people who will love them and their way of life which also includes their friends .

5. ”Divorce” or “Breakup.”

Threatening to divorce or break-up, suggesting divorce as an option, or accusing your spouse of destroying the marriage will lead to just that. A divorce is a very serious decision, and using it as a weapon or method of control creates anxiety and despair. It’s not conducive for effective communication,  resolution, problem solving, or intimacy.

The only way evil  people prevail is when the good people do nothing


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