Worst Things to Say on a First Date

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36, male


Posts: 63

Worst Things to Say on a First Date

from kingjohn on 02/10/2014 11:36 PM

#1 First Dates

First dates are scary, nerve-wracking, and potentially . Or terrible. You never know what you're getting into, but hopefully you'll avoid talking about some of the things that could make it turn for the worst..

#2 Your Future Wedding

Stop yourself right now. Even if you're doing something cute like saving the menu or stealing a pint class from the location of your first date, do NOT mention your future nuptials, the perfect way to scare off an otherwise great date.

#3 Your Ex

This sounds like a no-brainer but the topic comes up, a lot. Chances are, you were close to your ex and have a lot of memories with him or her. Even if you're on good terms, don't mention them. Just don't.

#4 Your Intimate Life

Your date doesn't want to know the last time you've slept with someone and they also don't want to hear how many other people you are (or aren't) seeing. Save that for your !

#5 Your Strange Theories

These can be cute and quirky, but maybe more second date material. You don't want to make your date feel awkward if they don't agree, nor do you want to scare them off with your thoughts on the existence or lack thereof of martians.

#6 Your Shrink

You may live in a community where it's popular to see a therapist, and mental health is super important, but you probably wouldn't detail your last dentist appointment and trip to the pharmacy on this date, would you?

#7 Your Friend Drama

Even if you're in a a huge fight with your BFF, try and keep the first date conversation pleasant and cordial. Let your date in on your life and interests, but maybe don't go seeking advice on your current social crisis.

#8 Your Diet

Are you trying to lost three pounds or thirty pounds? No one cares! If you're not confident in your body you're pretty much saying you're not confident enough to be with another person.

#9 Your Salary

It doesn't matter if you're complaining about how little you make or boasting your big raise, money is personal and money talk can make people super uncomfortable.

When you dreams dream big as big as the occean


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