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44, male


Posts: 51

10 Financial Mistakes That Can Make You Poor

from admin on 05/19/2014 12:28 AM

Many people around the world find themselves struggling with debt on a daily basis. The recession has shed light on how poorly many people manage their finances. Debt, decreased savings and increased expenditures are some of the pitfalls that can seriously derail your finances. Avoiding these mistakes can make a huge difference in terms of financial security. It's true that, when it comes to money, we all make mistakes. Our personal finance lessons are often learned through experience. However, it is important to realize the mistake and prevent it from happening again. Here we have gathered 10 of the most common mistakes made in personal finances; avoiding these errors can help you build financial security.


1. Spending More Than You Earn

This is the cornerstone of personal finance, regardless of your income or net worth. It doesn't matter how much you earn, but if you live within your means, you can save money in long term. It is simple math: income < expenses = debt, while income > expenses = surplus. Although buying a couple of things here and there might not seem to have much significance, it can make a huge impact over time. Frivolous expense such as ordering out for lunch or dinner or going to movies at peak time can add up and drain your bank account. Ideally, you should save and invest a percentage of each paycheck or income source you have.

2. Not Setting a Budget

One of the main reasons behind frivolous spending is not having set a budget. A monthly financial budget helps you calculate how much you are supposed to spend in the entire month. It is calculated by considering your total income, your fixed monthly expenses, debts and any other liabilities. Your monthly budget should also take into consideration the amount you should be saving for retirement or a rainy day. Once the monthly budget is set, you can spend accordingly.

3. Ignoring the Need to Save for Retirement

Most young people think that retirement is simply too far away, so they can think of retirement savings later on. Actually, people grossly underestimate the true cost of retirement, and when and how much they should start saving.

4. Not Understanding the Importance of Your Credit Score and Report

Most of us often ignore our credit score. The credit score and credit report are essentially a record of how you have handled your finances over time. These two records actually determine whether or not you will be eligible for thousands in savings when you make bigger purchases. To improve your credit report and credit score, make sure you always pay your credit card bill on time, and dispute any mistakes on your report.

5. Having Too Much Debt

To put it simply, having debt stinks. If you owe money, then you are just reducing your cash flow to make the payments. Clear off your debts as early as possible to help increase your savings. If you do acquire new debt, do it cautiously and only after researching the best loan options.

6. Investing Too Much in a House

For most of us, buying a home is our biggest investment. Many people end up investing all of their savings and other funds to buy a dream home that is way beyond their budget. Living your dreams is great, but jeopardizing your financial situation in the process is not smart. Big or expensive houses also come with unnecessary added expenses, such as higher utility bills, maintenance costs and taxes, beyond the initial house price.

7. Living Paycheck to Paycheck

Most of us spend our entire paycheck and wait impatiently for the next. Living life to the fullest has become the motto for many people, and this leads to spending everything they earn without thinking about the future. Dinners, movies and drinks have become essential aspects of our lives, and we forget how easily our financial situation can take a turn. This puts one in a horrible position of being without any money if a paycheck were to be missed.

8. Not Having Enough InsuranceInsurance is a crucial emergency fund that supplements your cash emergency fund. It covers the things you could not save up to cover in advance, thus helping protect your largest assets in case of a major accident, injury or death. You should have enough insurance to replace your assets in case of extreme need. This may include auto insurance, home insurance, health insurance, long-term disability insurance, life insurance and long-term care insurance. However, it is also important that you don't go overboard in buying insurance. Take a balanced view and only pay for what you truly need.

9. Having High Car Payments

Car loan payments cause many people to find their heads 'under water' financially. We all know that a car is an asset whose value starts to go down the day it is purchased. Most people spend thousands of dollars on a new car only to find out that its value is seriously depreciated after a couple of years, while they are left having to make payments on the car loan. A car is a big investment, so spend judiciously on it. Buy a pre-owned model to minimize your loan payment and save enough for tough times.

10. Not Getting Professional Financial Help

High interest rates, huge expenses, lower income, more liabilities – at times all these factors can leave us confused. Despite trying hard, we are unable to come out of the vicious circle of debt. If you honestly need help with something – such as taxes, real estate investment or debt management – don't try to go it alone. It is wise to seek professional help if you really need it. This may make it much easier to analyze your situation and make the proper financial plans for the present and the future.

The only way evil  people prevail is when the good people do nothing



44, male

Posts: 39

The Greatest African King

from Justice on 05/18/2014 12:03 PM

   The Battle of Adwa (February 29 to March 1, 1896) is of huge significance for Africa in that the decimation of the continent could not be completed. Ethiopia turned out to be the last man standing. So thorough was the defeat of Italy by Ethiopia, that there were violent riots all over the country, and it resulted in Italy being forced to pay indemnities to Ethiopia and recognise its borders.

It is thus not by chance that Ethiopia hosts the African Union headquarters, and serves as an inspiration to Africans all over the world on how to stand up to bullies.

It all began with the Treaty of Wuchale, a co-operative agreement between Ethiopia and Italy. But the devil was in the interpretation.

Most significantly, Emperor Menelik II, who claims lineage from the Queen of Sheba and King Solomon, had the good sense to have his own language version of the treaty, in Amharic.

In the Italian version, Rome claimed that Article 17 meant Ethiopia had relinquished its foreign policy to Italy and thus had become a protectorate.

This was disputed by the Amharic version, which clearly stated that Italy and Ethiopia would co-operate on foreign affairs.

Italy then used this as a casus belli to wage war on Ethiopia, which responded ferociously. In a landmark speech made to the nation, Emperor Menelik II made this declaration:

"Enemies have now come upon us to ruin our country and to change our religion. Our enemies have begun the affair by advancing and digging into the country like moles. With the help of God, I will not deliver my country to them. Today, you who are strong give me your strength, and you who are weak, help me by prayer."

Of equal significance is the role played by Menelik's wife, the Empress Taytu Betul, who stood firmly by her husband by telling the Italian envoy, Antonelli: "We have also made it known to the powers that the said article, as it is written in our language, has another meaning. Like you, we also ought to respect our dignity.

"You wish Ethiopia to be represented before the other powers as your protectorate, but this shall never be."

What can be achieved by an Africa United was demonstrated by the Battle of Adwa. Ethiopia as a country was divided, as many ethnic groupings swore allegiance to their own chiefs (or Ras). When things came to a head, Emperor Menelik was able to convince all of them to put aside their differences and contribute 100,000 troops to face down the invaders.

Prominent among them was Ras Mikael of Wollo, Ras Sibhat of Tigray, Ras Wale of Yejju Oromo, and Ras Gebeyehu, who died fighting at Adwa.
Empress Betul was the commander of a cavalry.
Italy was completely humiliated.

The Italians made many tactical errors in the mountains of Adwa, against a determined and valiant Ethiopian force. A key moment in the battle came when Brigadier Dabormida, the Italian commander, under siege from Ethiopian artillery, decided to withdraw.

Dabormida's brigade had moved to support Brigadier Albertone but was unable to reach him in time. Cut off from the remainder of the Italian army, Darbormida began to fight while retreating towards friendly positions.

However, he inadvertently marched his command into a narrow valley where the Oromo cavalry, under Ras Mikael, slaughtered the brigade, shouting Ebalgume! Ebalgume! ("Reap! Reap!)"

Dabormida's remains were never found, although his brother learned from an old woman living in the area that she had given water to a mortally wounded Italian officer, "a chief, a great man with spectacles and a watch, and golden stars".

The remaining two brigades under a Baratieri were outflanked and destroyed piecemeal on the slopes of Mount Belah. Menelik watched as Gojjam forces under the command of Tekle Haymonot made quick work of the last intact Italian brigade. By noon, the survivors of the Italian army were in full retreat and the battle was over.

Italian Defeat

The Italians suffered about 7,000 killed and 1,500 wounded in the battle and subsequent retreat back into Eritrea, with 3,000 taken prisoner; Ethiopian losses have been estimated around 4-5,000 killed and 8,000 wounded.

In their flight to Eritrea, the Italians left behind all of their artillery and 11,000 rifles, as well as most of their transport.

As the historian Paul B. Henze notes: "Baratieri's army had been completely routed while Menelik's was intact as a fighting force and gained thousands of rifles, pistols and a great deal of equipment from the fleeing Italians."

Public opinion in Italy was outraged.

The historian Chris Prout offers a panoramic overview of the response in Italy to the news: "When news of the calamity reached Italy, there were street demonstrations in most major cities. In Rome, to prevent these violent protests, the universities and theatres were closed.

"Police were called out to disperse rock-throwers in front of Prime Minister Crispi's residence. Crispi resigned on March 9. Troops were called out to quell demonstrations in Naples.

"In Pavia, crowds built barricades on the railroad tracks to prevent a troop train from leaving the station.

The Association of women of Rome, Turin, Milan and Pavia called for the return of all military forces in Africa.

Funeral masses were intoned for the known and unknown dead.

"Families began sending to the newspapers letters they had received before Adwa in which their menfolk described their poor living conditions and their fears at the size of the army they were going to face. King Umberto declared his birthday (March 14) a day of mourning. Italian communities in St Petersburg, London, New York, Chicago, Buenos Aires and Jerusalem collected money for the families of the dead and for the Italian Red Cross."

Forty years later, in 1935, still stung by this ignominious defeat, Italy's fascist leader Mussolini, who was aligned with Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party, took advantage of the advent of the Second World War to invade Ethiopia, complete with chemical weapons, bombs, tanks, and aircraft.

Italy threw in 595 aircraft to Ethiopia's 3, as well as 795 tanks to 3. They occupied Ethiopian for five years, and were again flushed out by Emperor Haile Selassie with the help of Allied forces, in the main the British army.

The prominent African-American historian, Professor Molefi Asante, opines on the significance of Adwa: "After the victory over Italy in 1896, Ethiopia acquired a special importance in the eyes of Africans as the only surviving African state.

"After Adwa, Ethiopia became emblematic of African value and resistance, the bastion of prestige and hope to thousands of Africans who were experiencing the full shock of European conquest and were beginning to search for an answer to the myth of African inferiority."

It pays to be good and It is more blessed to give than to recieve



36, male


Posts: 63

12 Red Flags That Could Spell Doom For Your Relationship

from kingjohn on 05/18/2014 01:36 AM

It's only natural that you're overcome with lovey-dovey feelings when in a new relationship. But as time goes on, little red flags may start to rear their ugly heads as you start questioning whether or not this person is really right for you.


Trust us, everyone has doubts at some point -- but some doubts are more serious than others. So we turned to the experts to find out which warning signs may actually spell doom for your relationship.

1. One person has all the power.

Relationships are about balance, so if you find yourself in an unbalanced partnership where you feel belittled, worthless or not heard, it's time to leave. "If one person dictates everything, and the other has to choose between being a doormat or taking the highway, the highway is the better choice," says marriage and family therapist Virginia Gilbert, who specializes in high-conflict divorce.

2. The relationship is seriously lacking fireworks.

"Lack of a sexual life can be a big source of frustration for one or both of the partners," says sex therapist Sari Cooper, who tells The Huffington Post that she sees this problem all the time with her clients seeking help.

The truth is that sex matters, and as time goes on, a lack of sex can lead to much bigger problems. As Dr. Phyllis Goldberg, a marriage and family therapist, explains, "The longer a couple goes without being intimate, the more ambivalence they will feel. It's like a vicious cycle, and this only increases the lack of trust, the awkwardness and the subsequent distancing."

3. You're not cheating, but your partner thinks you are.

If your partner is constantly checking your text messages, "accidentally" logging into your email and accusing you of cheating when you're not, it's a sign that they have trust issues.

"If you don't trust your partner, that's a problem," says author and relationship expert Rachel Kramer Bussel. "It's natural to be curious -- who isn't? -- but taking that curiosity beyond the bounds of what your partner would be comfortable with crosses a line that could be dangerous for your relationship, not to mention your mental health."

4. You like your partner, but hate their friends.

If you're going to spend the rest of your life with someone, it's important to also like their friends. If you can't manage to do that, you're only setting yourself up for battles later on. "We know that couples who have parents, in-laws, and friends who support them as a couple are much more likely to go the distance," W. Bradford Wilcox, the director of the National Marriage Project, told the Huffington Post.

Other experts agree. "If socializing continues to be a point of contention, think long and hard about whether you can accept your differences, because neither of you is likely to change," explains Gilbert.

5. Even worse, you don't get along with each other's families.

If your family is not on board with your partner, there may be a good reason for it. "Friends and family often have a more objective view of your partner than you do," said Wilcox. In other words, your family may be seeing red flags that you're too blinded by love to pick up on.

On the flip side, if you don't get along with your partner's family, it's a long and painful road ahead. "The truth is that the pressures a person's family or your family might put on a relationship can be huge," says life and relationship coach Bonnie Olson. "These people are going to interact with you forever and if you get a major 'ick' feeling about them, then do a reality check to determine if you can live with these individuals in your life."

6. You feel like you're in a dictatorship, not a relationship.

If you find yourself living someone else's life -- hanging out with their friends, listening to their music, and only doing what they want want to do -- it's time to take a stand. "Start taking ground" says Deverich. "You decide where you will go to dinner, what color to paint the dining room or what car you will buy ... if they resist, push back. Most controllers don't want to lose you and are willing to change."

That said, if your partner doesn't change, Deverich says it may be a sign they're an abuser and you need to "get out!"

7. You don't spend much time together, and you're OK with that.

You should want to spend time with your S.O., even if it means just going to the grocery store together. "If that's not happening, something is very wrong," says author and life coach Honoree Corder. "Unless you look forward to spending time together no matter what you're doing (or even if you're doing nothing), you're not partnered up right."

In fact, studies have shown that making date-night a priority is key to successful relationships.

8. You can never just be together without an activity or distraction.

A relationship needs to stand on its own two feet. If you and your partner can't just "be together" without help -- such as alcohol, couples therapy, TV, fancy dinners or even other people -- there's a bigger problem afoot.

"If your second home is in your therapist's office, and even when you leave, you can't stop talking about your issues, it may be a sign that you're more in love with the idea of a relationship than with your partner," says Gilbert.

9. You seriously disagree on major life choices.

The truth is most people don't change, so if you entered into the relationship knowing your S.O. doesn't want kids and you want several, don't resent him or her five years later when the answer is the same. If you don't see eye-to-eye on major life decisions now, you'll end up with major life problems later, says Cooper, explaining that disagreements on monogamy, religion and family are major red flags that pop up over and over again with her clients.

10. Your partner is physically violent.

We shouldn't have to say it, but we will: violence is a major red flag and should not be tolerated. "Get out right now, do not look back," says marriage and family therapist Amanda Deverich. "Safety first and hitting must stop."

11. Communication is seriously lacking in the relationship.

We hear it time and again: communication is the key to a successful relationship. So it's only logical that poor communication -- or lack of communication -- is the executioner.

"One of the most common roadblocks couples face occurs when they avoid confrontation and sweep their differences under the proverbial rug again and again," says Cooper. "I find either couples fight unfairly in a bullying or threatening manner or they avoid conflict at all costs."

12. You bicker about the small things, while the bigger problems go undiscussed.

Whether it's picking a restaurant, a movie, or deciding where to spend the holidays, if everything ends in a fight, your relationship is in trouble.

"Bickering and fighting can be a sign of a deeper, more significant issue," says Corder. "Sometimes what you really want to say is, 'I'm done'. If that's the case, take a hard look at saying that, instead of continuing down the path you're on."


When you dreams dream big as big as the occean



36, male


Posts: 63

How To Avoid Toxic Relationships

from kingjohn on 05/18/2014 01:24 AM

The term toxic (synonymous with deadly, poisonous, lethal) is used lot when we talk about people whose presence in our life is not positive. It seems that as a society we are increasingly aware of negativity in our lives and want to release it.


The good news is that any relationship that does not make us feel good nor contributes to our wellbeing does not have to be tolerated. We can exercise our rights to limit these relationships or eradicate them altogether.

In our increasingly busy culture, life is stressful enough. We have little patience for additional drama or stress brought on by taxing relationships with our friends and relatives. This stress is felt more than it is seen, heard or discussed. And it is not healthy for our minds or bodies.

It is your life. It is your energy. It is your precious time. If a relationship is not serving you, not supporting you and not elevating you towards your highest self, you are completely entitled to limit the extent that you are exposed to it. It does not mean that you do not care about the person involved or will stop caring them when you dynamic and closeness changes.
In other words, you can love or care for someone but you don't have to hang out with him or her.

Here are five ways to disconnect with love:

1. Say no. When you are invited to something where the toxic person is involved and you don't want to go, to politely decline. A simple, "thank you, but I cannot make it" will suffice.

2. Think loving and compassionate thoughts towards the person in question. Hating, resenting or being angry will only hurt you. Perhaps the toxic person is unkind or rude because they are afraid, lost, feeling insecure? Our external condition and behavior is always an expression of our internal condition.

3. Talk to them about needing some space in a loving way. Tell the person that you value them and you just need a little break for your own reasons. Its up to you how much you want to share. If you don't want to get into it, this is explanation enough.

4. Speak kindly of them to others. Disconnecting with love is not cutting someone out of your life and then talking trash behind his or her back. If the person in questions arises as a subject in conversation you can change topic or say something short, honest and kind, "yes, I have not seen her in a while... I hope she is doing well."

5. Remember, you come first. No one will treat you with love or respect unless you do so first for yourself. Releasing non-supportive relationships are one of the first ways to do this!

Then relax, breathe and enjoy being in control of your life and your environment. Do not waste a second feeling guilty about putting someone very important first. You.

When you dreams dream big as big as the occean

Reply Edited on 05/18/2014 01:25 AM.


36, male


Posts: 8

Qualities of Awesome Ladies

from micky on 03/26/2014 10:45 AM

There are 6 characteristics of an girlfriend no guy can ever resist...
1. She is honest Every guy appreciates his girlfriend being an honest person. Moreover, most men like things to be told straight so that they don’t have to question or guess what the girl means. Honesty leads to trust - the basis of any relationship.
2. She is fun and friendly We the ones who can make us smile and enjoy every moment spent together. Thus, if the two of you have a similar understanding of the word "fun", doing these funny activities together can make you even more attached to each other.
3. She is loyal Neither women, nor men like to be cheated on. Jealousy is a feeling capable of destroying the most passionate . To avoid the break-up don't flirt with other guys, just make him know you can be trusted.
4. She is loving out loud It doesn't mean you need to tell your man every five minutes how much you him. Just remember to let him know that you care about him. Believe it: men are extremely sensitive, and he will appreciate this move.
5. She is not needy Guys independent girls, who have the lives of their own. Getting all your attention concentrated on your man is not a good idea. Meet your , find your hobbies when a man enters your life. Make it all balanced...
6. She thrills him with spontaneous adventures Watching TV together is fine, but not every singe day. We all need some rock-n-roll in our life from time to time. It can be something as simple as going to a new restaurant to try foreign food you’ve never tasted. It is up to you to chose the best option for you two.

It pays to be good



36, male


Posts: 8

7 Rules Of First Date

from micky on 03/25/2014 10:46 PM

Dating is one word that can mean various things to different people. But what we cannot take away from the paradoxically clear and ambiguous word is this; it is a meeting of two people; a guy and a girl, in a sociable way.
We get this great and supposedly pleasing event of life wrong, sometimes due to dented beliefs, bad habits or just bad luck and this disaster sometimes happen as early as the first date.
When you get it wrong at the beginning darling, it is most likely you mess up the rest of the event till its end. So how do we conquer dating failures? What do we do? Let's begin, I plea, with the things we shouldn't do by looking at seven of them critically.
Why are your hands doing the talking? Why are they not on your laps or on the table or by your sides? Don't you think if nature wanted you all over your date, it wouldn't have made your hands on his or her body? You want to say; "how are you?" and your hands are touching his chest or her waist? He or she cracks a joke and you are laughing with your whole body touching your date. You would be sending the wrong messages if you cannot keep those fingers to yourself.
And it goes the other way too. If you allow your body to be touched by those fingers without restrictions, then you are telling your date this; "See I don't really care about my body. You could touch me as long as you want and wherever you want also." Politely show your discomfort and shun the act.


Why should your first date be able to disclose the following about you? Your virginity status, how many kids you want to have in the future, how you were raped and molested, your ongoing project and your goals for 2020? It is the first date! Only the basics need to be stated. Names, age, state of origin, best food, likes and dislikes, religious status, occupation, etc. What happens after the first date and you decide not to see him or her again or your date decides not to see you again? Then you will have a total stranger in some place in the world with your life history. Please that isn't necessary.

I know many eyes would stare daggers at me now if they could see me. "No sex?" yes darling on the first date your slogan should be; zip up! When then should I zip down; as a responsible human and not a hungry insatiable animal (please forgive my choice of words), that should be after "I DO". Well that's by the way, back to the issue. Sometimes we think we would make them stay by that. Even if your date doesn't leave after the first sex, he or she could live five years later. Sex would not hold anyone back. And sex on the first date is a very cheap way of saying that you are desperate, can't control your emotions, you are a free giver of it or you've got a whack theology about relationships.

Here is the sweetest part of deceit we shouldn't allow on the first date. LIE-LIE! Just in the bid to appear cool, mean, sexy, Ajebo, paki, rich or vulnerable we become able ambassadors of Lies. Don't say what you're not or agree into what is strange to you. Don't give impressions that are not true or lead the wrong ideas about yourself on, on the mind of your date. What if you become great or even begin a courtship? Do you want to live in the lies you built at the foundation of your relationship? Or do you want to start living your true self and leaving your partner shock at the revelations of the true you? He or she would find out that half of your life is a lie. Besides some people are really smart and would spot out your lies on the first date. You don't want to give a first bad impression or a longing one for that matter now, do you?

Slow down it is just the first meeting! Don't go to your date's house on the first date, or pick up his or her phone and start scrolling through its item all in the bid of showing that you're homely. It is demeaning, wrong and can be irritating. Don't hop into his or her car and kick off the engine even when offered to. Don't act like you guys are or have been married. Don't treat your dates stuff as yours; you don't own the person or its belongings. Don't go out of bounds; keep your place and stand your guard. It is very possible that you might be broke or hungry or even both but please tell your date "Thank you" and do not accept any monetary offer (this shows credibility and good up bringing), maybe some other time you can, after a while. And please it is possible you are the Santa Claus of the nation; but don't offer money on the first date because if you are on a date with the right person, he or she might feel insulted by that gesture. I feel some eyebrows going up on guys' faces, well yes dudes; sometimes the boy is at the receiving end, shikena.

Do not dress up in ways you do not want to be addressed. You put on ear rings, lip ring, nose ring and fingers rings and all kinds of rings as a guy and the lady is scared of you and you are pissed off by that? Or for the ladies, you bare your chest and thighs and unfortunately for you, you are on a date with a guy who likes his business and others covered and so he's cold towards you and you feel he's mean? Please cut the siren off. However you dress on a first date is how you should expect to be addressed. It could go as far as your date making conclusions about you when he or she goes back home and thinks on the meeting. Be wise ladies and gentle men. Don't be too extravagant (so you don't look like you're showing off) and don't be too shabby (so you don't look out of place), just dress well and right. A tip on what to wear is having knowledge of the place the date would occur.

Do not put on that blind fold over your eyes and mind. Take them off. Observe where you are taken to or being received; is it a hotel room or brothel, home or restaurant? What sorts of phone calls are being taken by your date? What kind of language is being used by your date, foul language? Don't just be carried away by the food, drinks and heights and beauty, please people! calls. Please don't stay blind, let Lagbaja help me here "shine your eyes!" and in my words, open your mind.

It pays to be good



36, male


Posts: 8

How to Forget Your Bad Ex

from micky on 03/25/2014 10:37 PM

The reason why I used the word "BAD" is because, sometimes, we break up with the best people, either carelessly, reasons that are not worth it or sometimes, parental advice. Here, I will be talking of the "bad ex" that we, have no choice, but to break up with. These are people that prevent us from reaching our goals, make us sad always, cheat on us, not ready to help and a lot of bad things associated with them; their dilapidated attitude can also cause heart attack to us. Outside breaking up with them, we are sometimes the object of the break up; we do our best and they break our hearts. I want to tell you : relationship is a good thing when u complement each other, when you respect each other and ready to assist each other. This piece will guide you on how to avoid these bad people that don't know your worth or value.
Before going into those points, let's digress a little. The main fact is that: you really have to be good to get a good partner. Sometimes we try to be good, or rather, we r good, but we still find the bad people being attracted to us. If you r the one in this category, sit back nd enjoy ways you can move forward quickly. Those steps are:

1. Always have it at the back of your mind that you will always get hurt- Truly you are not a machine. When you experience a break up, always know that you will surely get hurt for a PERIOD of time. Having this knowledge will make you scale true the hard period. NOTE, having this mind set before a relationship can also make you loose trust and commitment in your partner quickly. Take note.

2. Have good companies- There are good and bad ones, but when I say good companies, I mean people that truly care for you; people you share bonds with and secrets. Tell them all you r going true at the moment and it will surely ease your pain. Remember, a problem shared is half solved.
3. Avoid their pictures, chats, calls and even places where you had the best fun if possible- Those places and things can make you get drenched in the pool of the fake and may tempt you to going back into it. Try as much as possible to avoid them.

4. Be good, dress good and act perfect- Common! You r not the first to experience heart break, neither will you b the last. Dress well so that you can attract the right people. When I say dress well, am not saying putting on rags that may give your "next catch" the wrong impression about you; be responsible. Dress smart, look good and act as if nothing is wrong.

5 Don't take eternity before dating again- The more time you wait, the more you think about him/her, and the more you feel hurt. Look for the best one on your list and go 4 him/her. Who knows? He/she might b d RIGHT PERSON FOR YOU.
This can also work 4 bad , or that think you can't live without them. Stay bless.

It pays to be good



36, male


Posts: 8

Top 10 Works of Arts

from micky on 03/25/2014 10:30 PM

These are the all time Top 10 Works of Arts


Leonardo da Vinci – The Foetus in the Womb (c 1510-13)

Leonardo expresses the human condition in a nutshell – indeed, his rendition of the womb resembles an opened horsechestnut casing. Inside is the beginning of us all laid bare. Five hundred years ago, this artist and scientist could portray the human mystery with a wonder that is not religious but biological he holds up humanity as a fact of nature. It is for me the most beautiful work of art in the world.
• Royal Collection, Windsor Castle

Caravaggio – The Beheading of Saint John the Baptist (1608)

Caravaggio's The Beheading of Saint John the Baptist. Photograph: Alamy Caravaggio shows a murderous moment in a prison yard. The executioner has drawn a knife to sever the last tendons and skin of John the Baptist's neck. Someone watches this horrific moment from a barred window. All around is sepulchral gloom. Death and human cruelty are laid bare by this masterpiece, as its scale and shadow daunt and possess the mind.
• St John's Co-Cathedral, Valletta, Malta

Rembrandt – Self-Portrait with Two Circles (c 1665-9)

Rembrandt's Self-Portrait with Two Circles. Photograph: English Heritage/Kenwood House You are not looking at Rembrandt. He is looking at you. The authority of genius and age gaze out of this autumnal masterpiece with a moral scrutiny that is terrifying. Rembrandt seems to see into the beholder's soul and perceive every failing. He is like God. He is the most serious artist of all, because he makes everyone who stands before him a supplicant in the court of truth.
• Kenwood House, London

Chauvet cave paintings (c 30, 000 years ago)

Spotted horses from the stone-age cave paintings found at Chauvet. Photograph: PA Who painted these exquisitely lifelike portraits of animals? There was no such thing as writing in the ice age so nothing is known of the names, if they had names, of these early people. Cave artists may have been women; they may have been children. What is known is that Homo sapiens, our species of human, makes its mark with these paintings that are as beautiful and intelligent as anything created since.
• Chauvet-Pont-d'Arc Cave, Ardèche, France

Jackson Pollock – One: Number 31, 1950 (1950)

Visitors at MoMA in New York stand before Jackson Pollock's One: Number 31, 1950. Photograph: Alamy The art of Jackson Pollock is a modern mystery. How, from flinging paint on a canvas laid on the ground, did he create such beauty and inner structure? Like a solo by Charlie Parker or Jimi Hendrix, his freeform improvisations loop and lurch and yet achieve a profound unity. Pollock only held this together for a short period of brilliance. This painting is a cathedral of the mind.
• MoMA, New York

Velázquez – Las Meninas (c 1656)

Velazquez's Las Meninas. Photograph: The Gallery Collection/Corbis The king and queen stand where you are standing, in front of a gathering of courtiers. Velazquez looks from the portrait he is painting of the royal couple. The infanta and her retinue of maids (meninas) and dwarf entertainers are gathered before the monarch. In the distance, a minister or messenger is at the door. In a bright mirror, the royal reflection glows. This painting is a many-layered model of the world's strangeness.
• Prado, Madrid

Picasso – Guernica (1937)

Picasso's Guernica at Reina Sofia museum, Madrid. Photograph: Alamy When Picasso started to paint his protest at the bombing of Guernica, the ancient Basque capital, by Hitler's air force on behalf of Franco in the Spanish Civil War, he was at the height of his powers. Thirty years after painting his subversive modernist grenade of a picture Les Demoiselles d'Avignon, his cubist intelligence was now enriched by the mythology and poetry unleashed by the surrealist movement. He also looked back to such historical paintings as Raphael's Fire in the Borgo as he set down the greatest human statement of the 20th century.
• Reina Sofia, Madrid

Michelangelo – Prisoners (c 1519-34)

Michelangelo, Prisoners, or Slaves. Photograph: George Tatge/CORBIS Michelangelo's Prisoners, or Slaves, were begun for the tomb of Pope Julius II but never finished. In its entirety – including the Dying and Rebellious Slaves in the Louvre and the statue of Moses on the final, reduced version of the tomb eventually erected in Rome – this constitutes the greatest unfinished masterpiece in the world. Yet Michelangelo did not leave things unfinished out of laziness. It is an aesthetic choice. The tragic power of these prisoners as they struggle to emerge out of raw stone is an expression of the human condition that equals Shakespeare's Hamlet.
• Accademia Gallery, Florence

Parthenon Sculptures (447-442 BC)

Parthenon sculptures of Ancient Greece in situ at the British Museum in London. Photograph: In Pictures/Corbis The long marble frieze, colossal broken statues of reclining gods, and frenzied carvings of centaurs fighting humans that Lord Elgin removed from the Athenian Acropolis two centuries ago are best known today as objects of controversy – which is sad, because we should be marvelling at their genius. Most of the best ancient Greek sculpture is only known through Roman copies. This is the greatest assembly anywhere of the real thing: the very art that created the idea of the "classic". Gaze on the lowing heifer that inspired Keats's Ode on a Grecian Urn and the goddesses whose robes uncannily resemble pictures by Leonardo da Vinci. Artistically, beyond the squabbles, it doesn't get better than this.
• British Museum, London

Cézanne – Mont Sainte-Victoire (1902-4)

Paul Cezanne's Mont Sainte-Victoire. Photograph: The Gallery Collection/Corbis The broken vision of Cezanne is a glittering array of glimpses and hesitations and reconsiderations. The intensity of his gaze and the severity of his mind as he attempts to see and somehow grasp the essence of the mountain before him is one of the most moving and revelatory struggles in the history of art. Out of it, very quickly, came cubism and abstraction. But even if Cezanne's researches had led nowhere, they would put him among the greatest artists.

It pays to be good



44, male

Posts: 39

20 Ways to Create Business Ideas

from Justice on 03/23/2014 09:39 PM


Business and every aspect oflife requires quality thinking and execution of ideas to make it work

Generate lots of ideas. – The more ideas you create, the more likely you are to create an idea worth a million bucks.

Fail a lot. – All of the ideas that don't work are simply stepping stones on your way to the one idea that does. Sometimes you have to fail a thousand times to succeed. No matter how many mistakes you make or how slow you progress, you are still way ahead of everyone who isn't trying

.Consume information consciously. – Some of my think it's wasteful that I spend so much time reading books and blogs. It's not. It's what gives me an edge. I feel engulfed with new ideas and information. And I've actually used what I've learned to launch a few successful websites. When you read things and interact with people, take off your consumer cap and put on your creator cap. There are million dollar ideas (or at least some really good ideas) all around you waiting for discovery

.Focus on topics and ideas with large markets. – A million dollars is not a lot of money in the grand scheme of things, but it certainly is if you're trying to earn it in a small market with limited opportunities. Even if you put Steve Jobs in the role of CEO for a new venture with a maximum market size of 100 people he wouldn't make more than a few cents. 'Big bucks' result from high demand in a substantial market.

Make sure there's money in your market. – Bank robbers rob banks because that's where the money is. Before you become emotionally attached to an idea, do a little market research. Make sure the idea you're pursuing is where the money is. Who are the clients and consumers? How much disposable income do they have? Etc.

Keep your eyes, ears and mind wide open. – Oftentimes one idea's failure will open a door to a new idea. Don't get so hung up on one failed attempt that you miss the opening for many more.

Test variations of the same idea. – Think about the iPhone and the iPad for a second. One is just a variation of the other. Both are multi-million dollar ideas.

Figure out what works well in one market and tailor it to another. – Find an idea that's already proven and think about how it could be applied in a different context. Take a formula that works in one niche and apply it to a new niche. Or take the best aspects of one product and combine it with another product.

Put the pieces together. – YouTube's creators didn't invent Flash. They didn't invent modern digital cameras that can record computer-ready mpeg video. And they didn't invent broadband Internet connections, cheap web hosting, embedded website content, or one-click website uploading technologies either. What they invented is a technology that takes all of these existing pieces and combines them into an online video sharing portal.

Spin a new twist on a previous breakthrough. – A new twist on an old idea can still be a million dollar idea. Take Facebook for instance, it wasn't the first big social networking site, but Mark Zuckerberg and company added twists and features the others did not grasp. How can you take an existing million dollar idea, or even a common idea, and give it a new twist, a new direction and journey?

Systematize a popular service into a reproducible product. – A service is productized when its ownership can be exchanged. Think about Alienware and Dell back in their infancy. Both companies simply systematized the service of building IBM compatible PCs and then sold them as a packaged product. If you can convert a high demand service into a scalable, systematized, efficient process and sell it as a packaged deal, the million appears.

Play with opposites. – When something becomes extremely popular, the opposite often also becomes popular as people turn away from the mainstream. When Wordpress, Blogger and Movable Type exploded in popularity by giving anyone with an Internet connection the ability to share long, detailed blog posts with the world, Twitter and Tumblr came along and started the micro-blogging revolution – for people grasping to share extremely short content snippets. There are hundreds of other examples. Just remember, the opposite of a million dollar idea can paradoxically give birth to another million dollar idea.

Look for problems and solve them. – There are many real problems in this world. Like a business owner wondering why his profits are sinking. Like a golfer worrying about his slice. Like a young man who is growing bald at 26. Like a mom whose child is suffering with allergies. Like a new dog owner who's unsure what to do about her puppy barking all night. Solving problems like these can make millions.

Design new products that support other successful products. – How much money do you think iPod, iPhone and iPad case manufacturers are making? Millions? Billions? What about companies that jumped into the market of manufacturing LCD and Plasma TV mounting brackets eight years ago? You get the idea.

Keep it simple. – Don't over complicate a good idea. Business marketing studies have shown that the more product choices offered, the less products consumers typically buy. After all, narrowing down the best product from a pool of three choices is certainly easier than narrowing down the best product from a pool of three hundred choices. If the purchasing decision is tough to make, most people will just give up. So if you're designing a product line, keep it simple.

 Exploit the resources and skills you already have. – It's not as much about having the right resources as it is about exploiting your resources right now. Stevie Wonder couldn't see, so he exploited his sense of hearing into a passion for music, and he now has 25 Grammy Awards to prove it. If you pursue a new venture that involves leveraging your resources and skills, you're ahead of the game.

 Surround yourself with other thinkers. – You are the sum of the people you spend the most time with. If you hang with the wrong people, they will affect you negatively. But if you hang with the right people, you will be more capable and powerful than you ever could have been alone. Find your tribe and collaborate to make a difference in all your lives. Bounce ideas off each other, etc.

Be enthusiastic about what you're doing. – Enthusiasm is the lifeblood of creativity. Big ideas blossom when you're passionate and enthusiastic about what you're doing. It's nearly impossible to pioneer ground breaking solutions in a domain where there is not passionate intensity. But when your mind is stimulated by a fundamental curiosity and interest in the subject matter, your creativity will run rampant and your motivation will skyrocket.

Accept constructive criticism, but ignore naysayers. – When someone spews negativity about your idea or product, remember, it doesn't matter how many people don't get it, it matters how many do. No matter how much progress you make there will always be the people who insist that whatever you're trying to do is impossible. Or they may jealously suggest that the idea or concept as a whole is utterly ridiculous because nobody really cares. When you come across these people, don't try to reason with them. Instead, forget that they exist. They will only waste your time and energy.

Actually do something with your ideas! – A million dollar idea is simply a good idea given the chance to grow. On paper, Google and Facebook sprung from fairly ordinary ideas: 'a search engine that's accurate' and 'a website where connect with each other.' Remember, neither of these companies were the first ones in their market. Their ideas weren't groundbreaking at the time. Many people had the same ideas even before Google and Facebook existed. But Google's and Facebook's creators did something with their ideas. They worked hard and one-upped the competition. Their initial success was in their execution. Remember, it's not the ideas themselves that count, it's what you do with them. With the right execution, a simple idea can evolve into a million dollar idea.

It pays to be good and It is more blessed to give than to recieve



44, male

Posts: 39

5 Pillars to Love

from Justice on 03/19/2014 10:25 PM

Evolutionary biologists and psychologists who 
study human mating strategies have found that women everywhere generally agree on the important characteristics they want in their men. Here are the top five things women say they want from men:

1. Love
A woman wants to be re-assured, 
every day, that she is d and adored, and she needs his words 
and intimacy as proof. The list of favourite things a woman wants to hear includes, "I you," said in as many ways as 
possible, such as "You're beautiful," "You cooked a wonderful 
meal," "You did that well," or an unexpected phone call to say 
he's thinking of her. Showing appreciation of anything a woman does in the home is also decoded as an expression of , and implies a man will share his resources with her. 
In divorce cases, women regularly say that men take them for 
granted and never show appreciation of their efforts in the home. This is because a man feels that his efforts of being the 
main bread-winner (as most men still are), fixing broken things 
around the home, solving problems, or changing lightbulbs are 
sufficient proof of his appreciation and .

The man's brain is organised to measure his self-worth and contribution by what he does or achieves, not by what he says or feels.

Women's brains are better organised for language skills than men's and how words are a form of foreplay for women. Men need to understand that women need to hear actual words of appreciation and to believe it is true, and to hear them daily. Remembering important dates like birthdays and anniversaries also rates highly on a woman's measurement of a man's . Bringing gifts, however small, tells a woman a man s her - and the simpler, the better: The point is that a man's actions are the key, not the actual gift. Most men, however, feel that a gift must be large or expensive, because that is how they measure the worth of gifts.

2. Faithfulness
Fidelity offers the promise that a man will continue to share his resources with a woman, but a woman's definition of infidelity is very different from a man's. A man is concerned that she might have sex with another man, which could result in him investing his time in raising another man's child. A woman's chief concern is about the emotional connection between her man and his fling.

But for men, it's easy. Men can compartmentalise lust and in the brain, so that sex is just sex and is . The bottom line for women is that sex equals , which equals redirection of his resources. If a man says he'll be faithful, a woman feels that he won't share his resources with someone else.

3. Kindness
According to Dr. Buss's research, kindness ranks third most 
desirable by women in thirty-two cultures, because it also symbolises commitment. Reproductive resource is the key item a woman can offer, so she is discriminating about whom she will give it to, and , sincerity, generosity, and kindness are her prerequisites. Ancestral women preferred generous men and avoided tightfisted men because the generous ones would provide resources and protection for her and her offspring, giving them a greater chance of their survival.

Women who have their own resources, status, and power 
still go for men with their own resources. Buss found that 
almost all women, regardless of culture, showed a strong preference for financially successful men and that financially 
successful women showed an even stronger preference for 
these men because they want a man who is stronger than they 

4. Commitment
A man who promises commitment pledges he will continue to 
provide resources. Women everywhere accuse men of being 
commitment phoebes and escapees. When you consider 
what commitment means from an ancestral woman's view-point, it makes perfect sense. A sexual liaison for her would 
involve a commitment for ten to fifteen years to carry and raise a child to self-sufficiency.

For a man, however, the same 
encounter would cost only a small amount of time-maybe just a few minutes-and then he'd be off to his next venture. 
Because a man is wired to spread his genes as often and widely as possible, many men fear commitment to one woman 
and dread the idea of eternal monogamy, and most men 
understand that commitment means sharing their resources.

"I want him to show commitment" is the cry of women 
everywhere. It takes nine months for a woman to bear a child 
and at least another five years to raise the child to a minimum 
level of self-sufficiency for basic survival.

To most women, marriage is still seen as the ultimate indication a man can give that he intends to stick around. Being the child-bearer, a woman makes a total commitment to the creation and nurturing of the next generation, and she wants a male who will commit to the same. This is why trust is such a critical factor to women in a relationship.

5. Education and intelligence
A man with higher education and intelligence is seen as being 
more capable of acquiring resources. Higher education means 
he's likely to hold more senior positions in the workplace and 
therefore have more power, status, and resources. Higher intelligence promises the potential for the same things.

Although women today are still hardwired to be attracted to 
men who are financially secure, they also strive for financial 
security for themselves. In past generations, this was not an 
issue, because marriage meant forever and the man would 
always be there to provide for the woman and her children. 
And because past generations had large families, they also had 
the benefit of a large support network.

Today, there is no guarantee that a man will be there for a woman tomorrow. This is not to say that every woman wants to marry a millionaire, but she definitely doesn't want a man who gambles, takes unnecessary risks with money. Past generations of women had little choice but to tolerate financial recklessness and "stand by their man," but twenty-first century women see this behaviour as irresponsible and read it as a sign that he doesn't or respect them.


It pays to be good and It is more blessed to give than to recieve

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