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44, male


Posts: 51

Simple Things That Kills Relationship

from admin on 12/06/2013 05:08 PM

 1. Skipping me-time. Among un couples, more people point to a lack of privacy or time for themselves as the reason (11.5%) than they do to their sex lives (6%).

 2. Staying mum on “minor” annoyances. A lot of couples sweep little annoyances and pet peeves under the rug. Over time, though, small everyday irritations can add up and put a relationship on life support.

 3. Holding on to feelings about exes. Expending energy on a past love can be deadly. Men and women who say, “I don’t feel much of anything for my ex” are more likely to be in their present relationship.

 4. Keeping old secrets, even small ones. Ninety percent of people in relationships say they “never” feel that their partners aren’t completely truthful about their past.

 5. Sparing little signs of affection or approval. Too many couples wait for special occasions, such as birthdays, anniversaries, or Hallmark-type holidays, to express loving feelings to one another. Sometimes a goodbye peck on the cheek or a thoughtful compliment is all it takes to make a partner feel loved and appreciated.

 6. Spending too much or too little time with the parents. Married couples are 20% less likely to divorce when a man feels close to his mother-in-law. When women feel close to their in-laws, however, the couple is 20% more likely to divorce.

 7. Seeing the glass half empty. Many couples only talk about what’s going wrong in their relationships. But couples that also focus on what’s working well—on the glass half full—are much happier over time than those who purely try to “fix” their problems.

Finally, countless couples make the mistake of assuming they know everything about one another. Unlike when they were first dating, they cease asking questions and learning more about each other. Such loss of curiosity, like other overlooked relationship killers, can be lethal.

The only way evil  people prevail is when the good people do nothing



44, male


Posts: 51

6 Mistakes Men Make in Approaching Women

from admin on 12/06/2013 04:58 PM

Wome are great friends to men when you know how to make it with them, how t create a friendly environment for fun and conversations

 Once you have spotted the right chick, you know half the battle is won if she looks at you and smiles. But it’s not as easy as it sounds here. Sometimes, the alcohol takes over our minds and sometimes, the nerves get the better (or worse) of us. Whatever the case might be, the end result is terrible: she avoids eye contact, ignores you, or worse still, calls her friend/boyfriend to beat you up. We surely want you to go back with the girl instead of a blue-black. Avoid these mistakes to have better luck next time.

Approaching Her At The Wrong Place

Get this clear, friends: The whole world is NOT your playground. There won’t be placards, but there are specific pick-up zones. If you think you can make a woman swoon over your biceps at the gym, chances are she won’t even want to look at them, especially if you try hard. Your safest bet is at a friend’s party, or a bar, or someplace where conversation can happen easily. All might be fair in war, but definitely not in love.

Starting Out On The Defensive

Yes, it’s important to strategise in most cases, but not this. If you are already too worried about the aftermath and start out on a super defensive note, you won’t come across as a friendly guy. And trust me, women like men who are easy to hang out with and who can talk about random things with as much ease as they would with their guy friends. Don’t try and play seduction games unless you can match George Clooney standards. Let tricks take a backseat and just go there to have some fun.

When You’re Too Drunk

You might be as charming as James Bond after downing a couple of whiskeys, but no woman wants to handle a man who might have to make 10 loo visits to throw up, or keep him from getting into fights. Every woman likes a man who is in control and can take care of her too. Approaching her with bloodshot eyes and a slurring tongue is a complete no-no, Mr Devdas!

Using Pick-up Lines

My patent line was: “Is your name Gillette? Cos you’re the best a man can get.” It worked on a few, but mostly failed. So, I am talking from experience and even the girls in MXP agreed that pick-up lines don’t work any more, unless you can innovate to that extent. A standard opening line equals clear-cut turnoff. Why? Because it shows you lack confidence, and that you’ve literally spent time Googling borrowed lines. A simple hello will never go out of fashion.

The Charm-Her-Friend Method

It might have worked in 90s Bollywood, but this century is a different ballgame altogether. Your attention should be on only woman: the one you’re interested in. Women don’t care about the convoluted logistics of He’s-trying-to-charm-my-friend-so-that-he-can-get-me. She will simply think you’re interested in her friend and there you stand—nowhere.

Being Too Touchy

If you want to land in her bedroom and not behind the bars, please keep those hands off her in the first meeting. Go with the flow and see how she responds to you. If she genuinely shows interest and touches your hand slightly, return the favour (definitely not by spanking her rear). Let it build up slow and steady. Also, kindly avoid public space to show any physical affection. You might look creepy to others

The only way evil  people prevail is when the good people do nothing



44, male


Posts: 51

64-Year-Old American Has Now Been Arrested 1267 Times

from admin on 12/04/2013 08:22 PM

The man who seem to have made homes out of American prisons and is now regarded as world’s most arrested man is back behind bars.


Henry Earl, who celebrated his 64th birthday in custody, as he has done for the past three years, has been arrested in Lexington, Kentucky, again.


Earl – who has his own Wikipedia entry and also has websites dedicated to his ever-increasing tally – has been arrested 1267 over the past four decades, The Smoking Gun reported.


“He is somewhat of a superstar in his own little world,” Fayette County Detention Centre Officer John Casey told ABC News in the US.


Earl’s latest arrest was for being drunk outside a fast food venue in Lexington. He was taken to Fayette County Detention Centre, where he is almost certainly the most well-known of offenders


Earl was first arrested at the age of 20 in Fayette County, Kentucky, in July 1970, for carrying a concealed weapon. He was arrested a further 33 more times in the seventies.


His arrests increased to 230 in the eighties, most for being drunk and being drunk and disorderly.


In the nineties Earl’s arrests increased, mainly because he would spend two days in custody, and reoffend on being released.

 He was arrested for the 1000th time in September 2008, a year which saw him put behind bars 35 times.


Now judges in Fayette County detain Earl for longer periods in jail – two to three months for each conviction.


Earl, who has used the alias “James Brown,” has spent a total of nearly 6000 days – nearly 6 and-a-half years – in custody.

The only way evil  people prevail is when the good people do nothing

Reply Edited on 12/04/2013 08:24 PM.


44, male


Posts: 51

10 Tips on Dealing With Conflicts

from admin on 12/01/2013 09:59 PM

Humans always have issues in Life it is eaither witht themselves or with the second or third party , but it takes some great  ideals to get over it before it escalates.Here are tips on handling it

1. Stop, take a deep breath and write down a BPO ahead of time before you try to resolve the conflict. BPO stands for “Best Possible Outcome.” If you don’t envision the outcome that you want, it’s hard to manifest it… or something better.

2. Be prepared to negotiate and heed Lao Tzu’s advice: “In conflict, be fair and generous.” Just remember that when resolving a conflict, you sometimes you need to compromise, so think ahead before you sit down and talk to the other person.

3. Pursuant to tip number 2 above, find common ground without forcing change.

4. Don’t start sentences with an accusing “you” as in, “You did this and you did that…”; instead say something like, “To me, what seems to have happened is…” or “The way it looks to me is…”

5. Maintain a sense of dignity and respect between you, and let the other person save face whenever possible. Though it is sometimes difficult, think of this as part of your effort to embody that great piece of advice given to us by Gandhi: “Be the change you wish to see…”

6. Practice good listening. Be fully present. Try your best not to form answers and defenses in your mind before the other person is finished speaking.

7. Take Stephen Covey’s excellent advice from his book, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: “Seek first to understand, then to be understood.”

8. Don’t make general sweeping statements. Support your opinions and feelings with facts or examples of specific behavior.

9. When describing the issue you want to discuss, end with a question. In the book, Crucial Confrontations, the authors suggest that you ask a simple diagnostic question like “What happened?” and make it an honest inquiry rather than a veiled threat or accusation like “What’s wrong with you?”

10. Don’t bring up the past. Instead, start with a clean slate. See tip number 1 – it helps if you bring a sense of optimism, possibility and future-focus to the conversation

The only way evil  people prevail is when the good people do nothing



44, male


Posts: 51

5 Great things about Marcus Garvey

from admin on 11/28/2013 09:26 PM


He Led the Largest and Most Influential Movement to Advance Black People’s Interests in the World

Marcus Garvey founded the Universal Negro Improvement Association (UNIA), “the most dynamic mass movement across territorial borders among the African peoples [during] the 20th century.” According to international.ucla.edu: ”By the early 1920s the UNIA could count branches in almost every Caribbean, [latin America], and sub-Saharan African country  with membership swelling to 8 million.”


He Launched the Largest Black Economic Development Campaign

More than just an activist, Marcus Garvey also had the business acumen to create financial solutions for the global Black community. According to blackbusinessnetwork.com: “Marcus Garvey’s built huge businesses (nationwide and international), encouraged entrepreneurship, and got millions of black people buying from Black-owned business.” Not only did Mr. Garvey start businesses that employed thousands of black people, but he would also offer stock in the companies, promoting black ownership and generating additional wealth for the community.

Jamaica Marcus Garvey

Founded Largest Black Media Empire to Date

Marcus Garvey was revolutionary not only because of his ideas, but also because of his ability to communicate them to a large number of people. Mr. Garvey published several periodicals and newspapers, most notably The Negro World, Blackman and The Black Man. According to blackbusinessnetwork.com: ” [The Negro World] Eventually reaching a circulation of five hundred thousand, the newspaper was printed in several languages. It contained a page specifically for women readers, documented international events related to people of African ancestry, and was distributed throughout the African diaspora until publication ceased in 1933. His publications directly influenced the minds of many Black leaders to follow.”


He Inspired Every Black Freedom Fighter of The 20th Century

One measure of the influence of Marcus Garvey’s philosophy and accomplishments is the impact on the leaders directly influenced and inspired by him. Mr. Garvey has inspired every major black movement of the 20th century, both in Africa and the Americas. Notable followers of Garvey’s ideology include: Minister Louis Farrakhan, President Nnamdi Azikiwe, Elijah Muhammad, President Kwame Nkrumah,  Kwame Toure, President Jomo Kenyatta, President Nelson Mandela,  President Patrice Lumumba, President Julius Nyerere, Malcolm X and Martin Luther King Jr. They are only a few examples of leaders both on the African continent and in the United States who credit Marcus Garvey’s philosophy and accomplishments as their inspiration.


He Inspired the Birth of Many Nations

Marcus Garvey’s work and philosophy has been so transformational, that it is directly responsible for many African nations’ independence from European colonizers. Ghana, Kenya, Nigeria, Tanzania and most of the CARICOM member states can attribute their independence, in part, to the teachings of Marcus Garvey. According to blackbusinessnetwork.com: “Inspired by his ideas, over 30 African countries have declared their freedom, and many sport Mr. Garvey’s red, black and green colors in their flag,” this includes Ghana, the first sub-Saharan nation to gain independence, which honors Marcus Garvey with the black star in its flag.

The only way evil  people prevail is when the good people do nothing



44, male


Posts: 51

Tips on how to promote your small business

from admin on 11/23/2013 09:06 PM

small business successRunning a small business can sometimes feel like a juggling act. No matter the size of your team, you need all the help you can get to run sales, marketing, operations, finance and human resources. And this is just to keep the status quo. How can a business owner find the time to grow their business with all this activity going on?


Having the right technology in place can help answer that question. This will help any small business do what they do best – but even better and with more profit – and free up time to focus on growth.

Think about your current systems and processes with the following six ideas in mind.

1. Make Processes as Efficient as Possible

Efficiency is not just a buzzword from consultants. It is an idea that should always be in the back of your mind when developing new business processes or review existing ones. Take a lesson from manufacturing and look for scalable, repeatable processes in your business that keep your team in mind. Don’t treat your staff like robots, but keep them from doing tasks in ways that don’t make logical sense.

2. Get All Your Data In One System

Small businesses frequently grow in fits and starts and their systems often follow that pattern. Some activities even exist outside those systems. It used to be called paper, but now it is impractical to look up customer invoices on a paper report, because no one accesses to the billing system. The customer record lives somewhere else. And don’t forget about those business cards from the last trade show gathering dust on the corner of your desk.

3. Communicate Across Teams

Unless your small business is so small that everyone is in the same room (and I’m not talking about a loft with an open floor plan), you need simple ways to communicate with each other. Sure, email works, but it is an interruptive process. And what happens when you need to add someone to the message thread? Now they have read back through a thread with strange indents and lots of email signature lines. And what happens when you need to dig that information out of your email? Who was it from? What customer was it about? Teams need to communicate in a way that captures that information and connects it to the right customer or vendor.

4. Everyone Needs to Be Accountable

Do you or your boss walk around the office checking in on everyone’s progress toward their goals? The sales team might have a leader board on the wall, but what about the human resources team? Are they meeting their hiring goals? Managers need more than anecdotal data to know that the business is on track. Centralized reporting is needed to understand all aspects of your business, especially growth. If you could have one screen with a series of dashboards tracking key metrics, what are the ones that show that your business is achieving its vision?

5. Working Together is Better Than Working Apart

Some people like to put headphones on, focus on their own projects and leave at 5:00 on the dot. Small business managers wear many hats, and very often the best workers in a fast-growing environment operate the same way. This means ad hoc project teams form for short periods to get things done. The people on those projects go back to their regular tasks afterwards. Collaboration systems need to support regular and temporary teams in ways that make sense.

6. Customize Your Tools to Work for You

Not everyone has the luxury for a fully customized, large-scale computer system implementation. Even if budget were no object (which it always is), this is not always the best solution for your business needs. Some would even say it never is. Regardless of budget or scope, nearly any system you choose allows for some level of customization. Make sure you consider how even small changes can make a big difference in operations.

To explore these six ideas in more depth, so you can focus on the other activities required to grow your business, download this free ebook, Six Keys to Small Business Success.

The only way evil  people prevail is when the good people do nothing



44, male


Posts: 51

5 Keys to success in Business

from admin on 11/23/2013 08:59 PM

The 5 Key Success Factors Of Business

Success is a key thing everyone look forward to inLife even in business and it is not just an event which happens abruptly it is a hidden thing needed to be discovered and vaccums needed to be filled w ith our great qualities

(1) Managing and developing people - People today want some direction and structure, but they also want freedom and encouragement to develop their skills and knowledge. Effectively managing people requires balancing constraining forces (providing direction, structure, organization, some rules) with liberating forces (encourage personal growth, development and creativity). If you as manager/leader err too much in one direction or the other, your organization will be either too rigid or too chaotic. To make it more complicated, each person has a different set of needs for structure vs. freedom, order vs. opportunity, logic vs. personal values, factual information vs. meaning and connections, and so on. Effective managers do not manage all people the same, except for some basic rules. They manage each person according to what he or she needs, what motivates them to do their best. This can be complicated but is essential for success.

5 Key Success Factors(2) Strategic focus - In today’s rapidly changing world, it’s not just enough to have a purpose for existing. Leaders have to focus the organization’s resources on the greatest opportunities, which shift with each new day. Just run through your mind what has happened in the world or your organization in the past year or two, and you’ll understand what we mean by the reality of constant change. Doors open and doors close. Major customers or income sources can change or even go out of business at any time. So it’s necessary for leaders to keep focused on the desired end results such as increased sales and profits, or more satisfied customers, while constantly steering the organization across the stormy waters of the marketplace. As the illustration shows, the job of focused leaders is to connect and align all the Success Factors for optimum performance.

(3) Operations, or what people do all day - What the people in your organization do day in and day out to create value for customers, to earn or justify income, strongly determines whether you succeed or fail. Like the other Top 5 Success Factors, you can’t separate operations from strategic focus which gives direction, people which do the work, customers who pay the money and physical resources to do the work. Effective operations ensure that customers get exactly what they want at the right time, the right price and the right quality. Thus effective operations management focuses on what is called cycle time (producing a product or service from start to finish), cost control, and quality control (which requires some form of measurement). Strategic focus is largely externally oriented, operations largely internally oriented. Both need to be totally in sync with each other – not something that happens automatically but rather requiring constant effort. This is why communication is the true lifeblood of a successful organization – a high flow of information so everyone and everything is connected. Easy to say, hard to do.

(4) Physical resources - Finances, facilities and equipment are the big 3 physical resources. If you don’t have enough money, you can’t start or sustain an organization. And one of the biggest expenses is providing adequate facilities and equipment for people to work in and with. Experienced managers learn that cash flow is king. It doesn’t matter how much customers owe you, it’s when their money enters your bank account so you can use it to sustain the organization. Failing to manage cash flow is the No. 1 reason for business failure. Too many business owners leave the money up to someone else and can easily get blind-sided when suddenly the money isn’t there to keep the doors open. And in a few rare, unfortunate cases, the person tracking the money embezzles or cooks the books, then you really are in trouble. Likewise nice facilities can be energizing, something to feel proud about, but also very expensive. The economy is always cyclical, and if you buy or lease really nice facilities when times are good, paying for them can be difficult or impossible in a downturn.

(5) Customer relations - Customers are where the money comes from, so in many ways this is the most important success factor. As the famous business guru Peter Drucker said years ago, The purpose of a business is to get and keep customers. Getting customers involves marketing – indeed this success factor includes all kinds of marketing and sales. The key to successful customer relations is to give them what they need, not just what you want to sell. Effective sales and marketing begins with asking existing and potential customers what they need, what problem they want solved or deficiency filled. By keeping in touch with customers and asking these questions often, you’ll do a better job of developing customer loyalty and keeping competitors away. In the broadest sense customer relations can be considered the organization’s relationships with the external world. It involves tracking competitor actions, analyzing changes in the market environment, and adapting according. This is closely linked to Strategic Focus.

The only way evil  people prevail is when the good people do nothing



44, male


Posts: 51

Top 10 Executions of the 2000s

from admin on 11/22/2013 08:34 PM

10. Dhananjoy Chatterjee, 2004

Although the world’s second-most populous country retains the death penalty and has dozens of death row denizens, an entire generation of Indians has come of age having never known an actual execution … never, except for the 2004 hanging of Dhananjoy Chatterjee (Update: Not any more). That made this otherwise ordinary criminal a worldwide controversy, and his archaic colonial-era hangman a temporary celebrity.

9. Aileen Wuornos, 2002

Two years after the magnetic prostitute/serial killer was given a lethal injection in Florida, Charlize Theron won an Oscar for portraying her in Monster.

8. Wang Binyu, 2005

This migrant laborer was just grist for the mill of China’s helter-skelter industrialization in the neoliberal economic machine … until, in a fury over wages stolen by his employer, he slew a foreman. Chinese media that picked up his story inadvertently made him an emblematic figure for the untold millions of his countrymen and -women who could sympathize with his sentiment: “I want to die. When I am dead, nobody can exploit me anymore. Right?” Internet buzz about Wang had to be forcibly squelched.

7. Timothy McVeigh, 2001

The Gulf War veteran was the face of terrorism in the U.S. from the time of his arrest for the 1995 bombing of Oklahoma City’s Murrah Federal Building, until three months after his June 11, 2001, execution.

6. Mahmoud Asgari and Ayaz Marhoni, 2005

 Worrisome photos  of these teenagers hanging in Iran were a worldwide Internet sensation and made them an instant symbol of Iranian anti-gay persecution.

5. Mamoru Takuma, 2004

“I want others to know the unreasonableness that high-achieving children could be killed at any time,” said the author of perhaps the most infamous crime spree in modern Japanese history. The usually glacial Japanese capital system got the former janitor into a noose barely three years after he’d knifed eight children to death in the “Osaka school massacre”.

4. Cameron Todd Willingham, 2004

Something tells us that the ornery Texan — he took his leave of the world throwing an obscene gesture at his former wife from his execution gurney — would have been but pleasantly surprised to discover himself a major posthumous headache for Gov. Rick Perry (who signed his death warrant) and like-minded partisans of pseudoscience arson convictions. The sad part is that the evidence of Willingham’s potential innocence in  was basically all available at the time of his execution.

Rediscovery (with touching, or feigned, naivete) of the timeless problematic of executing innocents has characterized the 2000s not only in America but around the globe

3. The Bali Bombers, 2008

These islamists  orchestrated the 2002 coordinated triple bombing on the Indonesian resort island of Bali that killed 202, most of them western tourists. (88 were Australians, the predominant nationality affected, as against only 38 Indonesians.) Then they spent six years gleefully milking their notoriety.

2. Zheng Xiaoyu, 2007

Zheng Xiaoyu hears his death sentence.

While proletarians like Wang Binyu died for pennies and many like Fu Xinrong died for their organs, the more privileged in China’s gangster capitalism played for higher stakes. For a decade the state’s Food and Drugs Minister, Zheng Xiaoyu took payola to rubber-stamp products that turned out to be dangerous to man and beast. His high-profile execution was Beijing’s response to a wave of concern about the safety of Chinese exports abroad … and a pledge, one year in advance of the 2008 Olympics, of China’s readiness for the world stage.

Zheng aside, elites behaving as gangsters (and vice versa) have been a recurring phenomenon on China’s execution grounds of late.

1. Saddam Hussein, 2006

Undoubtedly the decade’s signature execution the 2006 hanging by America’s Iraqi puppet government of America’s longtime foreign policy bete noir was purchased for trillions that would have been better spent just buying the guy off … especially since cell phone video soon to circle the globe revealed the old rattle snake taking command of a distinctly undignified scene.


The only way evil  people prevail is when the good people do nothing



44, male


Posts: 51

Words that destroy relationships

from admin on 11/10/2013 04:07 PM

Words are powerful. They can cut you, heal you, inspire you, and stop you from certain actions. Learning the language of a strong, healthy relationship or marriage takes time and diligence, but saying some words regularly may cause irreparable damage.

Here are five words that are destined to cause damage to your relationship or marriage.

1.  “Never.”

“Never” implies a sense of hopelessness and finality. When you use “never,” you’re telling your spouse that they are no good, will never be any good and that there’s no hope for change. It’s an all-or-nothing phrase that does not lend itself to listening, compromising and creating good will.

2. ”Always.” 

“Always” implies a sense of rigidity and righteousness. When you use “always,” you’re telling your spouse that they are wrong, you are right, and that there’s nothing that can be done about it. It’s also an all-or-nothing phrase, and it does not lend itself to understanding, learning, or healing.

3. ”But.”

“But” implies a sense of manipulation and a lack of integrity. When you use “but,” you negate whatever was said before. It invalidates your message and turns a positive statement into a negative one. It’s a conjunction that does not lend itself to building trust, credibility and intimacy. Similar words to avoid include “however” and “although.”

4. I hate your friends

It is not a good thing to always tell your partner bad things about his or her friends.It sends the wrong message to them because those things you condemn in their friends are probably the things to bind them together it is good to be moderate when trying to talk about your partners friends .It is a harmful thing to relationship because everyone looks forward to people who will love them and their way of life which also includes their friends .

5. ”Divorce” or “Breakup.”

Threatening to divorce or break-up, suggesting divorce as an option, or accusing your spouse of destroying the marriage will lead to just that. A divorce is a very serious decision, and using it as a weapon or method of control creates anxiety and despair. It’s not conducive for effective communication,  resolution, problem solving, or intimacy.

The only way evil  people prevail is when the good people do nothing



44, male


Posts: 51

10 Black Uprisings against their oppressors

from admin on 10/30/2013 08:56 PM


1842 Slave Revolt in the Cherokee Nation

In 1842, the largest assembly of escaped enslaved Africans ripped through the Cherokee Nation, where in present day is called the midwestern United States.

November 15, 1842, a group of enslaved Blacks owned by the Cherokee Indians escaped and tried to reach Mexico–where slavery had been abolished. During their migration to Mexico, the revolutionaries had threatened the security of established labor forces. A militia was formed to capture the run-a-ways.  The enslaved Blacks, who were on the run, were able to overtake members of the militia and kill them.

Even though these enslaved Africans-Americans never made it to Mexico, the revolution inspired subsequent slave rebellions throughout all of North America


Baptist War

Baptist War or The Christmas Uprising

The Christmas Uprising of 1831–32, which was led by Jamaican Baptist preacher, Samuel Sharpe, was a 10-day revolt in which 60,000 of Jamaica’s 300,000 enslaved population engaged in the conflict.

During the Christmas holiday of 1831, Sharpe recited a speech to tens of thousands of his followers, persuading them to stop working unless they receive pay for the labor. When the demands weren’t met, the protest escalated into a full-scale revolt across the western part of Jamaica. The 60,000 men killed several plantation owners and burned several estates, with the Kensington estate being the most popular. The uprising caused $1,865,815.82 in damage, which equals an estimated $84,032,000 in modern terms.

Samuel Sharpe’s Baptist War was the largest slave uprising in British West Indies history.

Just a week after the war was over, the British Parliament began the process to abolish slavery. After months of debate, the Act for the Abolition of Slavery was passed in Jamaica in 1.


The Mau Mau - Kenya's Freedom Fighters

The Mau Mau – Kenya’s Freedom Fighters

The Mau Mau rebellion was an uprising of landless, slave-wage laborers in Kenya, who were frustrated with the racist colonial system that was established by the British to steal land and resources from Blacks to give to white colonizers. It was led by leaders such as Jomo Kenyata, Dedan Kimathi, Waruhiu Itote or General China, and Tom Mboya.

The movement began with overt passive resistance in 1946, but erupted in an all out rebellion in 1952 with a force numbering roughly 30,000 to a million Kenyans, mostly from the Kikuyu ethnic group.

The Mau Mau organized a secret society and a fighting force that had to take an oath to remove British rule and European settlers from the country. Wings of the movement began armed guerrilla attacks on white settler holdings and on Africans who supported the British regime.

By late 1952, the colonial governor of Kenya declared a state of emergency, and employed brutal methods to put down the rebellion, including brutal torture tactics, lynchings, forced migrations, and detention and labor camps. Although the British quelled the uprising four years later, the seeds of Kenya’s Independence, had already been sown.


The Palmares Quilombo

The Palmares Quilombo

During slavery in Brazil, the enslaved Africans, or Maroons, who fought and escaped captivity, formed several sustainable states called Quilombos.

The most famous Quilombo was Palmares, an independent, self-sustaining republic near Recife, which was established in 1600 and survived for 100 years. Palmares was massive, consisting of several settlements with a combined population of over 30,000 blacks who fought and escaped from slavery.

Over the course of the century, Quilombo dos Palmares had armies which rescued other enslaved Africans from the plantations and brought them to Palmares territory. The most popular Palmares warriors-leaders were Ganga Zumba and Zumbi. When the Dutch and the Portuguese repeatedly attacked the Palmares trying to enslave the Black people again, Zumba, Zumbi and the Palmares warriors killed thousands of white soldiers, defeating the Europeans several times within that century.

slave revolt

The St. John Insurrection

On November 23, 1733 African slave called Akwamu, of the Akan people of Ghana, led one of the longest and most costly insurrections known to have occurred on U.S. soil.  The revolt took place  in St. John Virgin Islands, where the Akwamus easily overwhelmed the owners and managers of the island’s plantations. They took over a crucial military fort in Coral Bay and with that they took control over most of the island.

They had an ingenious plan. With the French nearly all wiped out, they resumed crop production under their control for their benefit, for as long as a year.


Bussa’s Revolution

Bussa’s Revolution

In 1816, Bussa, an African-born Bajan slave, led an uprising in Barbados which is popularly known as Bussa’s Revolution.

On Easter Sunday, April 14, Bussa organized an island-wide revolt and marched his army of thousands into battle against white slave owners who occupied the island. The fighters eventually killed several plantation owners and took over half the island before the war was over.

Bussa’s Revolution was the first of three large-scale slave revolts in the British West Indies. After the war, a white plantation owner was quoted saying:

“The disposition to an enslaved persons in general is very bad. We hold the West Indies by a very precarious tenure – that of military strength only. I would not give a year’s purchase for any island we now have.

First Battle of Dongola1

First Battle of Dongola

After the Arab military leader ‘Amr ibn al-’As conquered Egypt from the Byzantine Empire in 640, he sent troops to North Africa and Nubia. In 642, ‘Amr ibn al-’As sent a column formation of 20,000 horsemen under the leadership of his cousin, Uqba ibn Nafi, to conquer the Nubian kingdom of Makuria. The Arabs reached as far as Dongola, the capital of Makuria, before they suffered a major defeat by Makurian warriors.

According to historian Al-Baladhuri, the Arabs found that the Nubians fought strongly and met them with showers of arrows. The majority of the Arab forces returned with wounded and blinded eyes. It was thus that the Nubians were called ‘the pupil smiters‘. Al-Baladhuri recalls one of his sources saying, ”One day they came out against us and formed a line; we wanted to use swords, but we were not able to, and they shot at us and put out eyes to the number of one hundred and fifty.”

The Nubian victory at Dongola was one of the Rashidun Caliphate’s rare defeats during the mid-7th century. Having archers with deadly marksmanship and highly skilled and experienced cavalry forces, Makuria was able to force the Arabs to withdraw their forces from Nubia.



The Black Seminole Slave Rebellion

From 1835-1838 in Florida, the Black Seminoles, African allies of Seminole Indians, led the largest slave rebellion in U.S. history.

The uprising peaked in 1836 when hundreds of enslaved Africans fled their plantations to join the rebel forces in the Second Seminole War. At the height of the revolt, at least 385 enslaved Africans fought alongside the Indian Seminole allies to destroy more than twenty-one sugar plantations in central Florida from December 25, 1835 through to the summer of 1836.

At the time, sugar was the most valuable crop and Florida was the most highly developed agricultural region in North America. The destruction of Florida plantations was reported to have cost the U.S. untold millions. In 1838, the U.S. Army allowed 500 Blacks to move west with Seminole Indians. Half received promises of freedom, the only emancipation of revolutionary Blacks in the U.S. before the Civil War.

Guiné Bissau

Guinea-Bissau War of Independence

In January 1963, the Marxist African Party for the Independence of Guinea and Cape Verde, PAIGC, retaliated against their colonial oppressors by attacking the Portuguese headquarters in Tite.  Resistance quickly spread across the entire colony, sparking the Guinea-Bissau War of Independence, a bloody conflict which would eventually be labeled “Portugal’s Vietnam”.

The war between the well-trained and well-led PAIGC guerrillas and the Portuguese Army would prove to be the most intense and damaging of all the conflicts that occurred during the Portuguese Colonial wars. Despite Portugal ratcheting up its offensive posture with troop reinforcements, superior weaponry and divide and conquer techniques, the PAIGC continued to increase its strength and dealt several severe blows to the Portuguese defense forces.

A coup in Portugal on August 26, 1974, also helped the PAIGC’s fight for independence. On August 26, 1974, the new Portuguese leaders and the PAIGC signed an accord in Algeria, in which Portugal agreed to remove all troops by the end of October and to officially recognize the PAIGC controlled government of the Republic of Guinea-Bissau.


Courland Bay Revolt

Courland Bay Revolt

In the 15-day Courland Bay revolt, which took place in Tobago, W.I., enslaved African, Sandy, organized forty men and led them in an uprising against slave plantation owners, their estates, and the island’s military.

After Sandy killed the owner of the plantation where he worked, he and his men burned several estates killing many plantation owners and burned cane fields as they marched their way to attack the Courland Bay military post. The whites at the post couldn’t contain the revolutionaries, and days later had to call in reinforcement from Barbados. Sandy and his army eventually fled the island to nearby Trinidad, where they escaped to the interior of the island.

After the revolt, plantation owners were highly fearful of a further insurrection. They were particularly concerned because of the high number of enslaved Africans in comparison to the white population. They were correct in their assessment because several other uprisings followed the Courland Bay revolt.



The only way evil  people prevail is when the good people do nothing

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