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36, male


Posts: 63

Worst Things to Say on a First Date

from kingjohn on 02/10/2014 11:36 PM

#1 First Dates

First dates are scary, nerve-wracking, and potentially . Or terrible. You never know what you're getting into, but hopefully you'll avoid talking about some of the things that could make it turn for the worst..

#2 Your Future Wedding

Stop yourself right now. Even if you're doing something cute like saving the menu or stealing a pint class from the location of your first date, do NOT mention your future nuptials, the perfect way to scare off an otherwise great date.

#3 Your Ex

This sounds like a no-brainer but the topic comes up, a lot. Chances are, you were close to your ex and have a lot of memories with him or her. Even if you're on good terms, don't mention them. Just don't.

#4 Your Intimate Life

Your date doesn't want to know the last time you've slept with someone and they also don't want to hear how many other people you are (or aren't) seeing. Save that for your !

#5 Your Strange Theories

These can be cute and quirky, but maybe more second date material. You don't want to make your date feel awkward if they don't agree, nor do you want to scare them off with your thoughts on the existence or lack thereof of martians.

#6 Your Shrink

You may live in a community where it's popular to see a therapist, and mental health is super important, but you probably wouldn't detail your last dentist appointment and trip to the pharmacy on this date, would you?

#7 Your Friend Drama

Even if you're in a a huge fight with your BFF, try and keep the first date conversation pleasant and cordial. Let your date in on your life and interests, but maybe don't go seeking advice on your current social crisis.

#8 Your Diet

Are you trying to lost three pounds or thirty pounds? No one cares! If you're not confident in your body you're pretty much saying you're not confident enough to be with another person.

#9 Your Salary

It doesn't matter if you're complaining about how little you make or boasting your big raise, money is personal and money talk can make people super uncomfortable.

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36, male


Posts: 63

Be an Enterprenuer

from kingjohn on 02/09/2014 04:41 PM

There are several options left for us as people when it comes to business but nevermind it is much more reasonable to choose enterprenuership

The Great Migration

Across the country and around the world, legions of people are abandoning their dependence on big business and seeking independence through their own enterprises. Every month, about 1 million Americans go through some type of job change or loss, and increasingly they are deciding to start their own businesses.

In a report titled Work, Entrepreneurship and Opportunity in 21st Century America, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce said, “Millions of Americans are embracing entrepreneurship by running their own small businesses, through independent contracting or direct selling.” The report also cited a recent Gallup poll finding that 61 percent of Americans now say they prefer to be their own bosses.

6 Benefits of Entrepreneurship

1. Job Security. Only a generation or two ago, going into business for yourself was considered risky, and the safest route was to get a good job in a large firm. Now, working for a traditional corporation has become the risky option. Working for yourself has become the new job security. “If I’m working for someone else, I’m trading time for money, but I’m not building any equity,” says Duncan MacPherson, co-founder and co-CEO of Pareto Systems, a consulting firm. “As an entrepreneur, I’m the master of my own destiny.

2. Freedom. People the benefits of working for themselves and enjoy the freedom they gain from designing their own prosperity. You get to choose when you work, how you work and with whom you work. Best of all, you don’t have to make the agonizing choice between time for family and time for business.

3. Flexibility. It doesn't matter if you're in a big city or small town. Entrepreneurship is an equal-opportunity employer. E-mail, cheap teleconferencing and a new generation of Web tools make it possible to run a fully competitive business from a home desktop. As a home-based businessperson, you can expand your business to Chicago, San Francisco, Hong Kong and London—and still make the soccer game.

4. Make More Money. There is far greater opportunity to make money by building your own business than by working for someone else’s. “Everyone has heard the phrase, ‘The American Dream.’ I look at it as ‘The American Reality,’ ” says Jeffrey Gitomer, best-selling author of the Little Red Book of Selling and the Little Gold Book of YES! Attitude. “When you’re in business for yourself, you write your own history, you write your own success story, you write your own legacy and most important, you write your own paycheck. Being in business for yourself gives you the opportunity to work your heart out for something you .”

5. A Life of Greater Impact. In the Decipher study, 84 percent of respondents said they would be more passionate about their work if they owned their own business. The No. 1 reason they gave for wanting to work for themselves: “to be more passionate about my work life.”

6. A Second Career. The nation’s 78 million baby boomers are just starting to reach retirement age, yet they’re realizing that they can’t afford to retire. What’s more, they don’t want to. Dr. Mary Furlong, author of Turning Silver into Gold, says, “Boomers are looking for ways to give back. They are taking the reins of their own futures and redefining their lives. They want work that reflects their values and identity; they want to make a difference.” A landmark study by MetLife Foundation and Civic Ventures found that 50 percent of Americans in their 50s and 60s want to do work “that matters.”

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36, male


Posts: 63

Re: Three Qualities of Good Friends

from kingjohn on 02/09/2014 04:31 PM

They also move our world cos no man is an island

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36, male


Posts: 63

Five Ways to Make New Friends

from kingjohn on 02/08/2014 06:41 PM

“All well and good, Linda,” you might be thinking, “but just how do you bring people into your life when, as the experts point out, your opportunities for social interactions are shrinking?”
Answer: Just cast your net—the wider the better. Here’s how I found new . And I should mention that I’m actually pretty shy, not a natural extrovert, so you can’t use that as an excuse.

1. Take classes. I am the type who looovvvees school. Still, continuing education classes aren’t quite “school” for those who didn’t like the classroom setting growing up. Mostly you sit around with other adults learning something interesting. You don’t have to do homework unless you want to. (But that’s the great thing: You’ll probably want to).
If there are any colleges or university extensions near you, do a Google search to see what’s on offer. Community centers, Ys and religious institutions also frequently host discussion groups and courses. Another place with new hip possibilities, and don’t laugh: Weight Watchers meetings. In person. (Yes, those still happen.) Or spend a day with Habitat for Humanity or another volunteer organization. You’ll be exchanging phone numbers by cocktail hour.
2. Join Facebook and LinkedIn. I know: You already did. But are you using them to the max? Facebook is where you can find from high school and college with whom you’ve lost touch. Then, though comments, you meet their , whom you soon find yourself conversing. I have become , and now met in real life, the mother of a young woman about my daughter's age whom I met through work and who "friended" me on Facebook.

Twitter is a wonderful place to discover people you’d never meet otherwise (and sometimes probably will never see face-to-face because they live in, like, New Zealand).
A great thing that has come out of all these online networks is what Twitter folks call the "Tweet Up," but more generally could be simply dubbed a "get-together." People who live nearby but have so far only met online plan a get-together for coffee or a drink. Many times you’ll find yourself trying to pin many new faces to names. Other times it’s just you and one other person grabbing a cup of coffee. Once you’re face-to-face with an online friend, I’ve found, if you take a shine to each other, you’ll start conversing through email and even take it to the phone. If not too much travel is involved, you’ll find yourself seeing your new regularly.
What can be really fun is literally going the extra mile. A whole bunch of people I know online who live in the Southwest are converging on Phoenix next Saturday .… just because. Oh, and when you get social, you’ll also get to know -of-friends, which is more than a Facebook privacy setting. It’s in-real-life people added to your non-virtual social life.

3. Work out at the gym. True, it’s not easy having a conversation while you’re puffing away on the treadmill or swinging those kettle balls. But what I've found is that there are certain people you see time after time, especially if you take classes. First you start smiling at each other, then you say hi. Finally you have a real conversation in the locker room. Next thing you know, you’re grabbing a post-workout coffee with your new gym buddy.
4. Rediscover old . Not just online, either. There’s a woman who lives nearby whom I have kinda-sorta known for years. We were both active in our kids’ PTA and spent time together back then. But you know how things go. The kids grew up, and our contacts dwindled to saying “hi” at the supermarket.

Last summer we ran into each other on the block, and she suggested, totally impromptu, that I come and hang in her backyard. We sat around for hours — first bonding over an intense discussion of cleaning products. From there we went on to our kids, our husbands, Broadway shows and, finally, our hopes and dreams. We simply and magically clicked.  
Not too long ago I also connected with a woman I knew in college but we had totally lost touch. While talking at a party we discovered we’ve lived almost parallel lives since graduation. We know the same people, live close by, have children the same age. We even have the same make and model piano! To my good fortune, this re-acquaintance has become a good friend.
I remember having the thought when I was about 18 that as you got older, the people you met would be more interesting because they'd have so many more stories (i.e., experiences) to share. This indeed has proved true. Also, now that we're more comfortable in our own skins and past the age when we feel the need to impress, bonding comes more naturally. We might have more baggage, but it's easier to unpack.

5. Participate in Meet Ups. Just Google it. All over the world professional groups schedule meetings for casual conversation and networking. Sometimes a member gives a presentation; other times it's just drinks. Either way, discard your cloak-of-shyness and get out there. I know people who have garnered clients and secured job interviews at these kinds of gatherings. I recently found someone who told me that she'd look into some little quirky problems I'm having with my website — for free. Also Google "BNI" (Business Networking International) to find a nearby group (which you'll have to apply to join) or "Professional Networks."

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36, male


Posts: 63

The Legacies of John F Kennedy

from kingjohn on 02/08/2014 06:34 PM

John F. Kennedy and Jacqueline Kenny
Boomers will soon pause and recall where they were and what they were doing 50 years ago, when John F. Kennedy was assassinated. What good survives that tragedy besides the strains of Camelot? 

We have learned many truths (noble and sad) about the man and his presidency — enough to propose that JFK’s legacy was threefold.

Legacy No. 1: Effecting generational succession. Age and youth were vividly represented on Inauguration Day 1961. One of the nation’s most popular presidents, Dwight David Eisenhower, then 70, looked his age, bundled up against the bitter cold that gripped the Capitol. His successor, 43 years old, braved the wind and ice coatless.

John Fitzgerald Kennedy spoke about a bloodless transition of power from one party to another, from one age group to the next in words that still ring today: “Let the word go forth, from this time and place, to friend and foe alike, that the torch has been passed to a new generation of Americans.”

JFK promised a “New Frontier”— a bold vision, with vigorous action and high hopes. “Let us begin anew,” he declared. “Since the country was founded, each generation has been summoned to give testimony to its national loyalty.” 

For Kennedy’s generation, children of Depression and war, this meant leading with steadfast purpose and civility. JFK desired to negotiate from a position of strength in tackling issues here and abroad.

No radical, the president deployed ideas and tactics that had served the nation well. Kennedy was prepared to be Braveheart in the Cold War. At home, he sought counsel from "the best and the brightest." His inaugural address’s most memorable line invoked democratic impulses enshrined by the Founding Fathers: “Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country.”

Ideally, generational successions can generate the creation and implementation of new ideas if sage leaders build on vital traditions dear to the electorate. JFK understood this. No president since has succeeded so well in mobilizing young and old, or melding old and new.

Legacy No. 2: Stirring imaginations. JFK inspired Americans. His Peace Corps, for example, summoned idealistic, gifted women and men to serve, in the words of his inauguration speech, “those peoples in the huts and villages of half the globe struggling to break the bonds of mass misery.” Although Kennedy’s Alliance for Progress did not achieve the democratic reforms in Latin America that policymakers hoped, the effort aligned the president with well-meaning human rights advocates.  


On the domestic front, Kennedy sought to remedy pockets of need that he identified by race, region and age, focusing particularly on the nation’s poorest. More boldly, JFK made it a national priority to land Americans on the moon by the end of the decade. 

John and Jacqueline Kennedy also stirred imaginations by embodying elegance in style that went beyond rhetorical flourishes and high fashion. Foreign leaders and ordinary Americans were impressed by the couple’s commitment to the arts and science. Refurbishing the White House afforded an opportunity to celebrate U.S. history with taste.

Legacy No. 3: Manufacturing myths. Not all of President Kennedy’s legacies invoke fond memories, however, which is why some choose to recall the Kennedy mystique, rather than the man.

The reality: The Bay of Pigs fiasco set the stage for the Cuban missile crisis. JFK’s inaugural promise to “pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship” committed U.S. military into aggressive fights against communism around the world, including Vietnam. Congressional conservatives dissuaded the President from pressing for major civil rights legislation until grassroots movements, such as those initiated by the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., forced his hand.

We now know, of course, that Camelot had a dark side. JFK hid serious illnesses and a voracious sexual appetite. The president’s death underscored the undeniable pervasiveness of violence in the American grain.

3 Ways Boomers Have Responded

Those of us comprising the nation’s 78 million boomers have responded to JFK’s legacy in three ways:

First, as adolescents we had to get beyond a loss of innocence. Daniel Patrick Moynihan could have been speaking about — or to — boomers when he made this observation about the death of JFK: “We’ll laugh again. It’s just that we will never be young again.” 

To middle-class kids like me at the time, the murder of a charismatic figure in his prime was devastating. It prompted a lot of “what ifs” as we contemplated our future selves for the rest of our own lives.

Second, there was a disillusioning, disconcerting gap between what was and what could be. We grew accustomed to accommodating the fragility of life, to recognizing that people and institutions could fail us. One of the boomers’ developmental tasks has been to reconcile lingering youthful idealism with a detachment borne through experience.

And yet, there is a third option for some boomers, including me. Hope — tempered by hard knocks and shadowed by the fragility of all things — remains.

We have survived longer than JFK; we have seen and heard enough to know that few Camelot myths end as happily as we desire. But we need not lose our ideals in the process of growing older. Our children may yet build on some of the enobling promises that JFK profiled in courage.

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36, male


Posts: 63

Re: 10 Things that Africans was great in before slavery and colonialisation

from kingjohn on 02/06/2014 01:17 PM

The manipulated history has ruined the image of Africa. and haave dehumanized the black race

When you dreams dream big as big as the occean



36, male


Posts: 63

Successful Blacks Who are School Droup outs

from kingjohn on 02/06/2014 12:52 PM

school sean

Sean “Diddy” Combs

Sean Combs dropped out of Howard University where he was studying business. Diddy’s ventures, along with his career as a rapper, have made him one of the the richest rap artists to date.

His ventures include the clothing line Sean John, record label Bad Boy, Ciroc vodka and most recently his own cable network Revolt TV.  Acting gigs, television shows and guest appearances added to his riches. In 2013, Diddy topped Forbes hip hop’s wealthiest list with a reported fortune of $580 million.

school perry

Tyler Perry

Tyler Perry dropped out of high school but reportedly later earned a GED at an undisclosed date. Perry is an actor, director, screenwriter, playwright, producer, author, and songwriter who found his initial success in stage shows. In 2005, Forbes reported that Perry had sold “more than $100 million in tickets, $30 million in videos of his shows, and an estimated $20 million in merchandise,” and “the 300 live shows he produces each year are attended by an average of 35,000 people a week.”

Perry has also created several television shows, his most successful of which is Tyler Perry’s “House of Payne,” a show that ran for eight seasons on TBS from June 21, 2006, to Aug. 10, 2012.

On Oct. 2, 2012, Perry struck an exclusive multiyear partnership with Oprah Winfrey and her Oprah Winfrey Network. Perry has helped pull Winfrey’s struggling network out of the red.

He opened his own studio in 2008. Perry landed in the top spot on Forbes’ 2011 highest paid men in entertainment list with $130 million, surpassing industry veterans Steven Spielberg and Jerry Bruckheimer.

school gordy

Berry Gordy  Jr.

Berry Gordy dropped out of high school in 11th grade in hopes of becoming rich as a professional boxer – a career he followed until 1950 when he was drafted by the United States Army for the Korean War.

Gordy would later borrow $800 from his parents to build his own record label. He created Motown Records in Detroit and went on to write hit songs like “Lonely Teardrops”  and “I’ll be Satisfied,” and manage talents such as The Jackson 5, The Supremes, Smokey Robinson, Lionel Richie, Stevie Wonder and more.

Gordy is known for running Motown’s record production like an assembly line, emulating Detroit’s Big Three car companies. He sold Motown Records in 1988 for $61 million, and later sold Jobete Music Corp. in installments to EMI Music Publishing for more than $300 million combined.

school russell

Russell Simmons

Russell Simmons briefly attended classes at City College of New York before dropping out. Simmons went on to become the co-founder of Def Jam records, founder of Russell Simmons Music Group, Phat Farm fashions and a bestselling author.

Simmons sold Phat Farm in 2004 for a rumored $140 million. Under his parent company Rush Communications, Simmons also owns a television and movie production company, an advertising agency and an athletics line called Run Athletics. He reportedly has a net worth estimated at $340 million.

school ladi

Ladi Delano

Ladi Delano was studying political science before dropping out of college in his second year.

The jet-setting Nigerian serial entrepreneur made his first million as a liquor entrepreneur while living in China. In 2004, at age 22, he founded Solidarnosc Asia, a Chinese alcohol beverage company that made Solid XS, a premium brand vodka. Solid XS went on to capture more than 50 percent market share in China and was distributed across more than 30 cities there, pulling in $20 million in annual revenue.

Delano later sold the company to a rival liquor company for more than $15 million and invested his funds into his next venture-The Delano Reid Group, a real estate investment holding company focused on mainland China. Today, Delano is the co-founder and Chief Executive Officer of Bakrie Delano Africa (BDA) – a $1 billion joint venture with the $15 billion (market cap) Bakrie Group of Indonesia.

school peebles

R. Donahue Peebles

Don Peebles dropped out of Rutgers University as a premed student after his freshman year to pursue a career in real estate. He started in the business by appraising properties and arguing property tax appeals through his firm RDP Corporation. At 27 years old, Peebles landed his first major investment deal in the form of a 100,000-square-foot office building in Washington, D.C. This investment led Peebles to others, enabling him to launch the Peebles Corporation.

Peebles now owns one of the country’s largest African-American real estate development companies with a $4 billion development portfolio of luxury hotels, residential and commercial properties from California, Miami and D.C. He has also  authored two books, “The Peebles Principles” and “The Peebles Path to Real Estate Wealth.”


school jay zJay Z and Beyonce Knowles-Carter

Jay Z and his wife Beyonce topped the Forbes list of highest earning couples last year. The Knowles-Carter family has a reported combined net worth of over $600 million.

Jay Z has successfully transitioned from being just a rapper to a bonafide business mogul. He signed a 10-year, $150-million Live Nation deal in 2008, and his “Watch the Throne” world tour brought in $1.4 million per night in the U.S., while Beyonce’s ” The Mrs. Carter Show World Tour” grossed an average $2 million per night, according to Forbes.

Then there are their other interests. Jay Z briefly owned a minority stake in the Brooklyn Nets, but dumped his share because he started his own sports agency: Roc Nation Sports, which represents star athletes like Kevin Durant and Victor Cruz. Beyonce has several fragrance collections and a clothing line, House of Dereon. The couple also manage a handful of lucrative endorsement deals for major companies including L’Oreal, Dell, and Budweiser.

Jay Z attended several schools in Brooklyn and reportedly last attended Trenton Central High School in Trenton, N. J., where he did not graduate. Reports vary on whether Beyonce obtained a high school diploma. Some claim she received a diploma via homeschooling while working with the successful girl group Destiny’s Child.

Two years ago, rumors swirled that Beyonce was getting a GED when she was photographed entering an Alternative Education Complex in New York. Neither has attended college.

school johnson

Magic Johnson

After two years in college at Michigan State University, Magic Johnson was drafted into the NBA.  Johnson never returned to complete his degree, but managed to build a multimillion-dollar company following his departure from professional basketball.

With partnerships with companies like Starbucks, 24 Hour Fitness, T.G.I. Fridays and AMC Theatres, Johnson invested in urban real estate and companies catering to America’s underserved markets via his Canyon-Johnson and Yucaipa-Johnson funds.

He now runs Magic Johnson Enterprises, a company that has a net worth of $700 million.


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Posts: 63

Re: African Martyrs

from kingjohn on 02/06/2014 12:10 PM

The man is Martin Luther King Jr The great man , the dreamer and the trailblazer

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36, male


Posts: 63

How to stir long Distance Relationships

from kingjohn on 02/02/2014 03:37 PM


A lot of couples feel that distance spells doom to their sex life. The problem is that we have heard too many stories of couples who fall apart after trying their hand at long-distance relationships. What most of us do not realize is that such relationships can sometimes be more exciting and sexually stimulating than others. All you need is a bit of innovation and a wild imagination. Set up some quality time for communication with your partner each evening and you will enjoy each other like never before. Here are some tips for you to improve your sexual intimacy in a long-distance relationship.

Do More with Your Video Chats

Nothing can be more sexually stimulating to a couple than a nude feast to the eyes. Ensure that you never hold on to two main things: inhibition and your cloths. Let go of your inhibitions and become her exclusive porn star for the night. If you want to accompany it with some nice music, go for it. A few candles around too can add to the magic.

Become a Story Writer

Prepare well for your chats and phone calls. Be vocal about your desires. Play out raunchy characters that you have thought of well in advance. Make your partner want to come to you for more with every communication. Be a naughty student one day and an aching patient the other.

Surprise Her with a Toy

seiyastock-file000819636090Mail order toys are sent across very discreetly these days. Not even the recipient would know what lies inside the package. If your partner is in a shared accommodation, do drop a couple of hints to save her the embarrassment. Get one for yourself too. Watching each other play with the toys can be quite an experience. Remember that you need to keep the excitement up all the time and owning a huge arsenal of toys will help you a lot in this regard.

Start the Count Down Before the D-Day

All your hot sessions on the chat and phone can build quite a huge excitement about the eventual meeting. Wouldn’t you like to add more to this excitement? As the day nears, constantly remind her of all the things you are going to do that night. Build enthusiasm about the day. If you do this, you are sure to tear each other’s cloths off the day you meet.

Surprise Visits are Always Good

gi-11125448_1848e8e4e8_zGive her a surprise visit on a weekend. If you want to add adventure to it, just dress like a pizza boy and knock her door. She will get the picture, the moment she opens the door.

Keep Some Intimate Photos Ready

Keep a few of your wild photographs handy. Send them to your partner when she least expects them in the evening. This will make your r really look forward to communicate with you.

Sexting is Never Out of Fashion

We know that your fingers crawling all over her, let them crawl over the keypad for a change. If you are good with words, you can stimulate your partner like nothing else can. Just like photos, texts too can build sexual expectations.

Never Leave Your Partner Hanging

If you have given her a time, keep it. Waiting for you on the other end fruitlessly can be quite frustrating and annoying. The feeling can even pour into your next such session. If you are going to be inevitably late on a particular day, ensure that you inform your partner as early as possible.

The most important thing for a successful long-distance intimate relationship is opening your mind. While there is no doubt, that you must discuss all things that are important to both of you emotionally, never ignore sexual intimacy. Keep in mind that relationships survive on but you cannot live on bland for long, especially a long-distance relationship. Spice it up with the suggestions mentioned above and you will find yourself close to your partner regardless of the distance. Let your imagination flow and you will never feel you are away from each other. More importantly, you will never need to find another person to fill the sexual void that a long-distance relationship usually leaves.

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Posts: 63


from kingjohn on 01/31/2014 05:40 PM

You? You’re smart. And it’s perfectly human if you find asking for help to be a little tough. Learning how to kick that “all by myself” attitude to the curb can make you look like the smartest person in the room. Here's where to start:

 1. Lighten your load. As startup business owners, it’s not uncommon to take on more than our fair share of responsibilities. Finances demand it, so be it. But smart business models allow for a distribution of labor as the business grows. Imagine how it would feel to have someone handle . You and I both know you're perfectly capable of doing that task; but by asking for help and not doing it yourself, you’re becoming a better leader, which is what's most important for your business to grow.

 2. Become a champion of other people’s strengths. When you ask for help from someone who is better at (and s doing) the thing you struggle with, you’re allowing that person to live his or her dream. Odds are, you didn’t open your own restaurant to be a prep cook or bottle washer. Asking for help allows other people’s strengths to shine, while allowing something truly crazy to happen ...

3. Enjoy free time! When you ask for help from people who doing what they do, you can trust it’s being done correctly. This frees up a lot of time—more time than you had when you were burdened with the myth that you had to do everything yourself. Your and family will thank you.

4. Lower your stress levels. Asking for help makes you an easier person to be around. Admit it—you get high strung. Bogged down. You become the bottleneck people are waiting on because you can’t get out of your own way. Asking for help reduces stress and makes people want to be around you. Why don’t you step aside? People are waiting to like you again.

5. Learn how to get out of your own way. When you find the wherewithal to get out of your own way, it’s astonishing how quickly your business can change. From losing money to record profits. From low online engagement to social media streams filled with adoring fans. From no time to blog to a blog with its own editorial calendar. Asking for help gets you out of the way and lets others in. Now you can focus on running your business and leading your company, which results in success.

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